Living Dead 2.0 Page 10
She put the phone down on its base. She looked out of the window. The man was gone. Where did he go? She scanned the parking lot. It was empty. She started thinking...Not one customer, yet. Almost none, the last three days.
She went to the back room to check on Ian. He had fallen asleep on the sofa. She walked over to the shelf and pulled out a blanket. She shook the folds out of blanket and covered the boy up.
From the front, she heard someone knocking. She ran to the counter. It was Mrs. Sandoval, and a younger man. She rushed to the door and unlocked it. She pushed open the door. The older lady was holding a basket of clothes and a bag was hanging on her arm. As Nina pushed the door open so that the lady could get through, the younger man followed, setting down a large comforter. Mrs. Sandoval said , “Oh, Nina... I thought you went home or something. There is no people. What happened to all of the people? Is there some kind of day time curfew, or something?” Nina replied, “ I don't know, Mrs. Sandoval. I was thinking exactly the same thing. I guess, I scared them all away.” The young man turned around and walked out the door to the car. Nina glanced at him and saw him pull out another big comforter from the trunk of the car. As he made his way back into laundromat, Mrs. Sandoval introduced the young man to Nina. She said, “Aidan, this is Nina, the laundromat girl.” Then, she turned to Nina, and said, “Nina, this is Aidan, my nephew.” Aidan towered over both of them. Aidan looked down at Nina, and said, “ Hi, Nina. Nice to meet you.” Nina smiled up at Aidan. She said, “ Hi Aidan,” The older woman and her nephew carried their laundry to the machines, loaded them up, and put their money into the machines. As they started to wash their clothes, Nina walked back towards the windows. She was spooked. She stood there for a long time, just scanning the parking lot and the tree line, across the street. She was looking for the crazy man. “Where did he go?” Out of nowhere, a police car passed by. The cruiser went zooming up the street with the lights and siren on. She thought that it had to be for the crazy guy. A feeling of relief came over her. Just then, she heard a voice coming from over her shoulder. Aidan had been standing behind her.“Worried about something?” Nina, turned around, and looked up at Aidan. She shook her head from side to side. “No. I...I just saw a police car fly by. Just looking around outside.” She nervously glanced back at the window. Aidan caught it. “You guys always this dead?” He asked. She turned around and started to walk back to the counter. “No.” she said. His gaze followed her, as she walked away. She walked through the opening between the wall and the counter. Then the door swung open, and a man ran inside. He was sweaty and panting. They all turned their attention his way. Even Mrs. Sandoval looked at him from across the laundromat.
He looked as if he was confused as to who he was looking for. When he saw that Nina had just stepped behind the counter, he quickly walked over to the other side of it and blurted out, “ Miss. Please, call the cops!” All three people in the laundromat stared at the man, in shock. It was obvious that he was distressed. He had blood all over his arm, and his shirt was torn. He looked like he had been in a fight, and he was in a panic. He was pale, and looked like he had seen a ghost. Nina asked, “ What happened to you?” They all heard a small voice coming from behind Nina. “You should lock the door, Nina.” Nina turned to look at Ian. She had a bad feeling that this was more than a run of the mill mugging. Then, she turned back to the frantic man. The man, blurted out, “ Lady! Please, call the cops! I lost my phone in the scuffle.” She picked up the phone from where she had put it on her desk. She dialed 911, again.... just to hear a busy signal. She held the phone to her ear, then, clicked the off button. Aidan stepped in, “Whoa! Buddy, calm down.” He attempted to calm the man down. The man said, “ Have you people been paying attention to what is going on out there?” Aidan replied, “ Okay. Okay. Just tell us what happened.” He put his hands out in front of him, as though, he was pushing something. The man started to talk. “They all came after me! And the woman....I have to get her some help.”
“What woman?” Nina asked. The man said,” The one I was trying to help get away from those psychopaths, that's who! Lady. Call the cops! One of them must have grabbed my phone.” Nina and Aidan exchanged a glance. Mrs. Sandoval, who had approached them now, repeated, “ Your phone?” The man said , “Yes. That's why I ran here. Yours, was the only business open.” He had a look of total despair on his face. He looked back over at Nina. “ Lady, there were a lot of them. I couldn't help her get away from them. They were biting her! They weren't right.” Nina was shocked. She re-dialed the phone. Aidan was now taking this all in. He had heard stories of mindless zombies attacking people before he left the military. Nina held the phone to her ear. She heard another busy signal. She suddenly had a look of fear on her face. The boy was still standing there watching them. He looked scared, too. Aidan tried to calm them down. “Okay. Everyone calm down. We'll figure this out.” He watched Nina. She looked at them each, one at a time. She whispered, “ It is busy. The emergency line is busy.” She did not know what else to say. Aidan cut in, “ Busy?”
Abruptly, “Hell!” said the man. “There is a woman out there being attacked by a crazy mob!”
Now, they all turned their attentions back to the man. Mrs. Sandoval asked, “ Sir. What is your name?” The man rubbed his head, in distress. Then, looked down at his feet, then looked back at the older woman, “I'm sorry, Ma'am. That was the last thing on my mind. I'm Oscar. Oscar Hennessy. We need to get some help over there, now.”
Mrs. Sandoval pointed towards Aidan, and replied, “ This is my nephew, Aidan. This is Nina, the lady who runs the Laundromat. I am Rosa Sandoval. Why don't we all be calm, sit down, and keep trying to call the Authorities?” Oscar said, “ Mrs. Sandoval. Normally, I would agree. But, that lady was being attacked by a mob. They swarmed us both. I left my car at the red light. I had to run to get away from them. There was no way that I could get back into my vehicle. In a panic, I ran in this direction. Then, I saw you all through the windows. Something is wrong. Look around, out there. There are no people. Yesterday, when I was coming home from work, I saw too many accidents and fights. Everywhere.... I knew something was wrong, this morning. I should not have left the house. The wife kept the kids home today. I have to get back there.
You all should get to your homes, too. Something is really wrong, out there. 911 line is not being answered. I saw military vehicles parked across an intersection . They were parked so that no vehicles could get through. It looked like they were setting up some kind of road block.”
Aidan cut in, “ They were setting up a road block? I noticed that it has been awful quiet around here. But, it has been awhile since I have been around, so...” Mrs Sandoval cut in, “ Aidan just came out of the military.” He has been home two whole weeks, now. My brother would be so proud.”
The woman looked at her nephew, like a proud mother would look at her son. Rosa Sandoval, could not have children. Her brother, Aidans' father, and her sister-n-law were killed in a car accident when Aidan was very young. Herself, and her husband had adopted Aidan. They had raised him as their own son. Nina was re-dialing, again. She could hear Ian from behind her, “ Nina. Will you bring me home, now?” Aidan thought that the boy looked scared. He didn't know the boy's story. But, he knew that the boy was aware that something as wrong. Nina was staring at the man, as she did held the phone to her ear. The boy was standing there, waiting for Nina to answer him. He spoke up louder. “ Nina, you should lock the door. The gray people are coming.” All of the adults now turned to Ian, in sync. They were now focused on the young boy. Nina heard a busy signal coming from the phone, as she turned to look at Ian. She clicked off, and placed the phone down on the charger. Mrs. Sandoval asked, “ Who is this boy? Nina, is this your son?” Nina, still looking at Ian, answered, “ No. He is.....” She turned to look at her customer, and paused for a moment. She, slowly answered, “He was outside when I arrived this morning.” She looked confused and worried. Aidan wa
lked up to the end of the counter, so that he could get a look at the boy. He waved to the boy. He said, “ Hi.” The boy replied, “ Hi. I'm Ian.” All were looking at him, now. Oscar asked, “ You don't know where his parents are?” Nina turned to him, and said, “ I am bringing him home, in a while. But not, not right now.” The man said, “I hope you find them. You should close up and bring him, now. It's crazy out there.” Aidan took everything in. He had noticed that, since he had returned home that there were hardly any people around. Of course, he had only been home a few weeks. Two days prior, he had gotten a missed message through his voice mail, from his old buddy, Jimmy. He also had a voicemail from a man identifying himself as a Captain in the Armed Forces. He thought that he would settle in, and call back the next day. He dwelt on this while the others spoke. At the time, he had wondered why he received two calls from a superior and his Buddy that was still enlisted? Now, he was starting to understand the reason that they tried to contact him. He pulled out his cell, swiped the screen and tried to call 911. He too, heard a busy signal. He was now getting a little concerned, himself. Oscar said, “ I have to try to get back to my car, before someone steals it. I left it running, in the middle of the street. Besides, if that lady didn't get away, she is going to really be hurt badly. I'll pay any of you for a ride back there.” The man looked at each one of them. One, at a time. He looked desperate, and very anxious. Aidan pushed the red phone icon on the screen. The busy signal stopped. He said, “ I'll give you a ride. I want to see what is going on out there.” The man, with a loud sigh of relief, said, “ Thank you. I'll pay you. I really appreciate this.”
Aidan replied, “ It's okay, Man. How far is your car from here?” Oscar said, “ A couple of blocks.” Aidan, looked at his aunt. He said, “ Tia. I will be right back. I am going to give him a fast ride. It won't take long.” She looked worried. “Okay, be careful.” she said. “We will keep trying to call the police for you.” She looked at Oscar as she spoke. Then, the older woman looked at Nina, and continued, “ Right, Nina? We will keep calling the authorities.” Nina, glanced over at Ian. “Yes. Sure...... Absolutely.”
The two men turned, and walked towards the door. Aidan turned to Nina, “Lock the doors, just in case.” Then, he walked out. She picked up the phone, and again, started to dial 911.
She now heard a voice at the other end of the line. “ Hello. What is your emergency?” The voice sounded frazzled. It was a woman. She sounded out of breath. Nina blurted out, “ Hello! My name is, Nina Barone! I am at 4622 Main street.... Big Suds. A woman was attacked. Well, not here around the corner from here. On 169th street.. At the red light. And, I called for a police man a while ago, and no one showed up. What is going on out there?” The voice said, “ Ma'am, please calm down. We are short handed, and a little backed up today. I have your call in the system. Don't put yourself in the middle of the situation. Where are you? Can you see the attack?” Nina answered, “No. A man came in and asked for help. He left.” The voice advised, “ Stay where you are. A cruiser will be there soon.” Nina didn't respond. She paused, and listened to the woman on the end for a moment, then hung up. She turned and looked at the boy, still standing behind her. He was looking down at the floor, now. He said, “Nina. Will you bring me home, now?” He looked very afraid. She felt sorry for the boy. He was so young. And to be out here alone, had to be terrifying for him. She walked over to him. She bent down in front of him, at eye level with him. She gently, placed her hands on his shoulders. Nina said, “ Sure. In a while, Ian. Will you find something on the television to watch, just until I can close up? We will wait for Aidan to get back. Then, we'll get you home. Don't worry.”
The boy looked at her as though she did not have a clue. Then said, “ Okay, Nina.” He turned around and walked into the back room. Nina sat down by the counter. Mrs. Sandoval pulled a chair up, like she always did. She asked, “Do you have any idea where his parents are?” Nina shook her head,“No. And, with the way things are looking, I don't know if I will find out, either. ” Then, she continued, “Have you noticed that there are almost no people out and about? For at least a week or more, now.”
Mrs. Sandoval answered her, “ I have. I thought that I was losing my mind. That is why I asked Aidan to stay here, just for a while. I don't want him away from home if there are problems. I have had a bad feeling for a long time, now. Why don't you close up early, today? Just take the rest of the day off, and relax.”
“I was thinking of doing just that, Mrs S.” Nina said. “Everything just feels wrong. After you are finished with your laundry, if no one else comes in, I am closing early.” Mrs. Sandoval answered, “ That is good. Maybe, you can get the boy home to his parents in time to go home and soak in the tub for a while.” She winked at Nina. Nina replied, “After I grocery shop, and clean the house. I just have such a bad feeling.” Mrs. Sandoval shook her head in agreement. “I know what you mean. I have been getting a terrible feeling of dread, for weeks now. I didn't know what it was, until I started to notice that the kids next door were not playing outside, anymore. I didn't even see their parents leaving for work. Then, I noticed that, there were not as many people in the grocery store. So, thinking that I should check on my neighbors, I decided to bring the children some cookies. I made the cookies. And, not wanting to seem nosy, I thought, I would say that I made too many. Then, I would offer them to the children. I went to their door with the plate of cookies, and rang the doorbell. I heard thumping on the door... and growling. Nina, I actually heard growling.... and that was not all.” The older woman paused. Nina watched her, as a strange look came over her face. A look of confusion and fear. Then, she continued. “All of the sudden, Bailey, one of the children, slammed into the picture window. She had blood all over her blouse. She was all cut up. It looked like she had a bite on her face. But, it was not an animal bite.
It looked like a person had bitten her. Her hair was knotted. She was clawing at the window. The look on her face was... twisted.” Nina looked down. She remembered the man that had come to the window, earlier. The hair on Mrs. Sandoval's arm was standing, and goosebumps were visible. Nina felt sick. She asked, “What did you do?” Mrs. Sandoval replied, “I ran home, and called the police. I watched them drag the family out of their home. All of them, writhing and snarling, with crazed looks on their faces. Even after they forced them into the police cars. They looked possessed. I have never seen anything like it. One of them even bit one of the officers. That was three weeks ago. I haven't seen them, again.” The woman looked saddened, and spooked. Nina said, “You did the right thing, Mrs. Sandoval.” She patted her arm, in an attempt to give her some comfort. Mrs. Sandoval swallowed, and replied, “ I have to check my clothes, Honey.” She stood up, and walked to the machine.
Nina watched the older woman walk away. Nina thought to herself; she is right, something is wrong. There were less and less people out and about, for weeks now. The emergency line busy? Almost, no traffic out on the streets. And, Ian. His mother, just up and leaves him in a bathroom? It did not make sense. She had made up her mind; she would find out more, just as soon as she found his parents.
After a while, Aidan came running up to the door. He pounded on the glass. Nina, and Mrs. S. ran to the where the door was. Nina, unlocked the door and pushed it open. Aidan rushed inside. He blurted out, “ Tia... We need to leave. Now!” He looked down at Nina, “ You should get the boy home, then get home yourself.” The women exchanged a concerned look with each other. “Aidan, Mijo... What is wrong?” Asked his Aunt. Nina cut in, “Are you okay? Where is that man? Did he get his car?” Aidan was trying to control his panic, and looked he looked like he had seen a ghost.
He said, “ Get the comforters, now.” He walked over to the machines. Now, Ian had come out to the front. He followed Aidan. The two women just watched in confusion. Ian looked up at Aidan. He said, “They chased you...Didn't they? He touched Aidans' arm. “It will be okay, if you hide from them. But,
you can't make any noise. I was real scared, too. I still am.... Real scared. You gotta hide from them.” Aidan looked down at the boy. He bent down and rested on one knee, so that his eyes could meet the young boys eyes. He knew that something very bad had happened to land the child with Nina. He asked, “Ian, did they chase your Mom and Dad?” Ian looked sad. “I think, my Mom. She was right outside the door. I thought I heard her talking to someone. I heard a growl. Like a cat, when it get's mad. Then, I went outside and she was gone.” The boy looked down at his feet. He quietly, sobbed. “I want my Mom back.” Now, the two women were standing right behind Ian, listening to him. They both bent down to comfort the boy. Nina, hugged him. “We will find your house, Ian. Then, we'll find your Mom and Dad. Don't cry.”
Mrs. Sandoval said,“ Oh, poor Baby.” She rubbed his back. Aidan stood up, then put his hands on his hips. “ Ladies, we need to get going. Tia, we can dry the comforters at home, if they aren't ready. Nina. I would like to talk to you, over there. Tia, can you sit with Ian?” Mrs. Sandoval looked at him like he was crazy. But, she knew that he was serious, and seemed to be spooked. She was starting to get scared herself. She said, “ Ian, will you come over here with me, please?” She smiled down at him. He shook his head, wiped his eyes and took her hand. They walked to the chairs and sat down. After they sat down, Aidan looked down at Nina. He tried to whisper, “Nina, we have to leave. There is a mob of....” He paused. “I don't what they are, but they are coming this way. Nina, they attacked that guy! Then, they attacked the police car that drove up.