Living Dead 2.0 Read online

Page 11


  The officer stepped out of the car and they swarmed around him, and attacked him, too... You need to get your things, and the boy, then lock up.” Nina covered her mouth with her hands. “ What?” She was horrified, as she tried to understand what he was saying. He ran his fingers through his hair. A look of fear and frustration came over his face. He didn't know how to make her understand what he had seen. He gently took her arm and led her towards the counter.

  His Aunt stood up, and slowly walked towards them. She had heard what he said. “Aidan...”

  Both Nina and Aidan looked her way. “It's alright, Tia.” He raised his hand in the air, signaling for her to stay there. She stopped. She was worried. Aidan didn't act like this. She knew that something had spooked him. Aidan turned back to Nina. “Please. Just take the day off, go home, and lock your doors. I can't leave you here with the boy, not after what I just saw.” Nina studied him. He was afraid of something. Ian was alone, until she could find his parents. She looked him up and down. She asked, “What did you see? Tell me, again.” He stared at her. “I told you. A mob. And, they are heading this way. We have to get out of here. They move slow, but are heading this way.” He stepped in closer her, and whispered, “I think they got the boy's Mother. I don't think that she is alive. We need to find his father, fast. You need to lock up, now.” She looked up at him, wide eyed. She had not felt so vulnerable, since she was a child. He stared at her. “There is no time. Get what you need, and let's go. We can follow you to the boys house. We talk to the father and make sure that Ian gets inside okay.” Nina looked at Ian. He sat there, innocently talking to Mrs. Sandoval. They looked like best friends. She looked back at Aidan, “ Okay. I need a day off, anyway.” She turned everything off, and gathered together her things. She said, “ Come on, Ian. You have to show me how to get to your house.” He smiled, “ I am going home?” She answered, “ Yes, you are. Come on.” She and Ian, followed Aidan and Mrs. Sandoval out side. Nina locked up, while Aidan placed the comforters into his car. Aidan yelled from his vehicle,”We will follow you.” They all climbed into the vehicles. Nina strapped little Ian into the front seat. She asked, “Can you show me the way to your house? Will your Dad be home?” The boy shook his head up, and down. “Yes. You have to turn at the green light.” She complied. She looked into the rear view mirror. She could see Aidan and Mrs. Sandoval sitting in the front seat of the car that moved behind hers. She let out a sigh of relief. Ian pointed in front of them. He said, “ I think you have to turn there.” He was pointing to the corner ahead. She asked, “ Which way?” He replied, “That way.” Ian pointed to the left. After she turned, he exclaimed, “ There! That's where I live!” He was so exited, at the sight of his home. Nina dove up into the drive way. Immediately, a man rushed outside. At first, it looked like the man would argue with Nina. Then he realized who was inside her vehicle. Ian released his seat belt, and opened the door. The sight of his father brought out pure happiness in the boy. Ian jumped out of the passenger side door, and ran to meet his Dad. When the man saw Ian run from the car, he bent down and hugged him. Aidan stopped the car behind Nina's car. They exited the two vehicles. Ian's father looked from Nina to Aidan. Confused, he asked, “ Where is Kate? Who are you guys?” Nina and Aidan exchanged an awkward look. Ian blurted out, “ That is Nina and that is Aidan. They brought me home. Is Mommy here?” The man looked down at his son. “Here?”

  No. How did you end up with these people? Did your Mom leave you with them?” Nina hesitated. She said, “ Um. Sir. I found Ian outside the business that I run, this morning...alone. You don't know where his mother is? It's crazy out there. Has she called you?”


  Now, the man had his hands folded across his chest. “No. I thought that she woke up, and left early this morning.” Nina looked confused. So did Aidan. They exchanged another awkward look. The boy blurted out, “No, Dad. We went to the park yesterday. I was in the bathroom, and when I came out, Mommy was gone. I ran away from the bad people, and Nina let me stay by her laundry place.”

  The man repeated, “ Yesterday? The bad people? You and Mommy didn't come home last night? ” The boy shook his head from side to side. “ Nope.” Aidan cut in, “ Mister. It is none of my business, but how could you not know your wife and kid didn't make it back home yesterday?”

  The man, who was offended, sarcastically answered, “You are right, it's none of your business. But, I pulled another double last night. Half of our department is out sick. When I came in this morning and no one was home, I thought that Kate beat me waking up.” Now, a look of extreme worry came over his face. “I need to call the police.” Nina said, “ I don't think you will get a response. Have you been out and about, lately? It is crazy out there. ” Aidan blurted out, “ Yes. People are getting attacked all over. Military is in town. Better keep your boy inside and lock your doors.” As they were standing there, a zombie came staggering up the sidewalk. It was growling and reaching towards the group. Ian cried, “ Daddy! It is one of them. It will bite us, Daddy!” He pulled at his fathers' arm. He was trying to get the man into the house. Aidan and Nina backed up. Aidan yelled, “ Get the boy inside!”

  The horrified man had already picked his son up and was running into the house holding him in his arms. The boy was crying, “ Hurry, Daddy! Hurry!” The man was running, now. Aidan pulled Nina aside, and yelled, “ Get into the car, now!”

  Mrs. Sandoval was yelling from the car, “ Aidan! Watch out!” Nina ran back to her car. When she got there, she turned to see if Aidan had made it to his. She stood by the drivers side door. She watched, as Aidan pushed the zombie back into the bushes. After it fell backwards, it was caught in the thick, prickly, branches. Aidan stood there, waiting for it to rush him, again. Then, he realized that, it could not get out. He walked towards it, watching in disbelief. It was snarling, and writhing in a sitting position, while being held within the tangled branches of the bushes. When Aidan got close enough, he realized that it was bloody. He was not sure if all of the scratches and cuts came from the bushes, or from whatever had done this to make it like this. He stared at the monster. It was looking at him. As it struggled, it's dead eyes never left Aidan. Nina walked up. “That is creepy. He acts like the guy who slammed into the window this morning.” Shocked, Aidan turned to look at her. Ians' father opened the front door to his home, and stepped back out onto the stoop. He hurried down the sidewalk, then to where Aidan and Nina stood. In the distance, they could hear a tornado siren blaring. They heard distant gun fire. They all looked over their shoulders. Then, exchanged fearful looks with each other. He said, “ What the hell?” Nina asked, “ What do we do? The police won't be sent out, if no one answers the emergency line.” The man asked, “ What is wrong with him?” He stared at the sight of the zombie struggling in the bushes. Aidan answered, “ What is your name? “ The man answered, “ Tim. name is, Tim... You?” His eyes were still fixated on the zombie. “I am Aidan. This is Nina.” He pointed to Nina. She said, “Tim. This is happening, all over town.” She pointed to the zombie in the bushes. Aidan added, “ We can't leave him in the bushes. I don't know what to do. This guy looks like the people in the mob that attacked Oscar, and the cop. He is not right.” Tim pulled out his cell phone and started swiping. He called 911 and heard a busy signal. He ran his hand through his hair in confusion and fear. He didn't know what he should do.


  He yelled, “ What the hell? No way! I just got a busy signal....” He looked around, in disbelief. “I am taking Ian to my parents house. I need a minute to pack a few things. Can you just stay and watch this guy? Just for a minute? I just need enough time to get my son into the car. Please?” Aidan answered, “ You've got to hurry. If more of these things come...” He paused, then continued, “ I just saw two men get attacked by a whole mob of people that looked just like this guy.” He pointed to the zombie.

  “It looked like they were eating them. You have to hurry it up. And, when you go, don'
t stop for anyone.” The man swallowed. “Thank you. I won't be long.” He turned, and ran into the house. He packed his and Ians' clothes as fast as he could. He shoved their things into a couple of garbage bags. He placed them by the front door. Then, he took a picture of his family off of his desk, and grabbed Ians' favorite toy. He pulled the boys pillow and blanket off of his bed. He took Ian by the hand and said, “ Come on, Ian.” He led him out to front step. He reached into the house and grabbed the bags of clothes. Ian picked up his wrestling toy. He watched as his father carried all of the stuff to the car. The door slammed behind them. Aidan and Nina were still standing there. They looked worried. Tim said, “Come on, Ian. Stay right by me.” He led the boy to the car. He opened the trunk, place the bags inside. He walked around, in a hurry. He opened the door, loaded the boy, the pillow and blanket into the back seat of the car. He strapped his son in. He turned, and walked to where Nina and Aidan were standing. He said, “ Thank you, both of you, for bringing Ian home. Thank you for waiting for me to get Ian inside the car. I knew that something was wrong. I saw a weird looking woman, when I was coming home this morning. It was nice meeting you both. I wish that it were under different circumstances.” He extended his hand to Aidan. They shook hands. “ You are welcome. Tim, don't stop until you get to your parents place.” Nina said, “ You are welcome, Tim. You better hurry and get on the road. So should we.” She looked at Aidan. He nodded in approval. She walked over to Tim's car. She looked down at Ian, through the window. He looked so much more at ease, now. She opened the door and said, “ Good-bye, Ian. You are going to see your grandparents, now. Maybe we will see each other, again.” The boy seemed oblivious to the writhing zombie imbedded in the bushes. He responded, “ Bye, Nina. Thanks for the P.B. & J. sandwich. It was really good.” Nina smiled, “ You bet.” Ian's father was standing behind her, now. He said, “ Thank you for taking care of my boy, Nina. We all better get out of here.” He pointed to the zombie, which was starting to break free.

  Aidan yelled, “ Nina! Come on, now? It's going to get away from the bushes!” She turned around and ran to her car. Aidan rushed his car. They all jumped into and started their cars. As Nina and Aidan backed out of the driveway, Tim followed. They all left just in time. The writhing zombie had broken free. It had fallen to the ground behind the bushes. They all zoomed down the street. When they came to the corner, Nina turned right, with Aidan following. They both watched, in the rear view mirror, as Ian's father turned the opposite way. Nina watched the sight of Tim's vehicle shrink in her mirror. She went back to the Laundromat. She pulled into the parking lot. There was no one in sight. A minute later, Aidan came driving up. He stepped out of his vehicle. He knocked on her window. “Nina! What are you doing? It is not safe here. You should go home and lock your doors. At least, until we know what this is.” She stepped out of her car. She said, “ I am going home. I just wanted to sit here for a minute before I get to my building. That's all.” He blurted out, “ Lady! This is no time to reminisce!” He studied her for a few seconds. She was starting to realize that this situation was dire. She looked like, she had been handed a death sentence. He felt guilty.


  He asked, “How far do you have to go? We will follow you.” Now, he wanted to comfort her. “Come on, Nina. We need to get out of here.” She said, “ Okay...I'm sorry.” She turned to get back into the car. As she climbed into the car, she knew that she would not ever open up again. She paused, and stared at the windows. She sat down in her vehicle. Then, she closed the door, and watched Aidan walk back to his car. She started the car, then left with Aidan's car behind her. As she drove to her building, she glanced into the rear view mirror. This Aidan, was true to his word. He stayed behind her. She looked back in front of her. She saw some people walking up ahead. As she came closer, she realized that they were staggering. There were several of them. She slowed down. They were all covered in blood. There were both, men and women. There were two children. Also, with blood and bite marks on them. She swallowed. Then, a car flew around to her side. She turned and hit the brakes. It was Aidan. He was yelling at her, and pointing ahead. He rolled down the window. Then yelled, “Drive through them! Don't stop! They aren't right. They will walk right into your path. Don't stop! I will go first. Stay behind me, no matter what!” The window went up, and the car sped around Nina's car. Mrs. Sandoval was staring in terror at what she saw in front of them. She cried, “ Aidan! Be careful!” He continued his drive in front of Nina. She watched as he drove right through the small crowd of zombies. They all walked right into his path. He swerved and avoided most of them. Nina yelled, “ Watch out!” He hit one of them. Inside Aidan's vehicle, Mrs. Sandoval screamed, “ Aidan! Sweet Jesus, help us!” The older woman held her face in her hands. She was now terrified. Nina followed his path. She was horrified. She watched them, as they mindlessly walked towards the moving vehicle. They were real zombies. They were bloody, and their faces looked contorted. They did just what Aidan said that they would do. The zombies followed the cars, as they both sped by. Nina glanced into the rear view mirror. The one that Aidan had hit, stood right back up and turned to follow them. Stumbling all the way. She didn't realize it, but she was talking out loud. She kept saying “ Oh no!” and help us Jesus!” She did not even realize that, Aidan had held back and gotten behind her. As she came to her street, she looked for his vehicle. A bolt of disappointment and fear went right through her body. Then, she glanced into the rear view mirror, and saw Aidan behind her. She felt so relieved. She pulled up to her building and parked her vehicle in her parking space. She sat there in a trance. Aidan, had just gotten his Aunt calmed down, and Nina parked her car. He said, “ Tia. I am going to walk Nina into her apartment. Stay here with the doors locked. Don't open them for anyone. If any of those tings come around, lay down in the seat and call my phone. Do not get out of the car. I will be right back.” She was afraid.. She answered, “Okay, Mijo. Hurry.... And, be careful.” She kissed him on the cheek. She was still shaken. She remembered what she had seen the previous week at her neighbors home. She started to look over her shoulder for more zombies. He said, “ Okay, Tia. I'll be right back. The keys are in the ignition. If you see any of those things, you get out of here and text me where you are. I'll meet you somewhere else.” He stepped out of the car. He walked over to Nina's vehicle. He tried to open the door. It was still locked. She was staring at the steering wheel. She was in a trance. He bent down, so that his face was right in front of her window, and tapped on the glass. He spoke through the closed window, “Nina. Open the door.... Nina!” He tapped on the glass, again. He looked over his shoulder at his aunt. He noticed that, the street and parking lot was almost empty. Nina was shaken out of her trance. She looked at him through the window. She unlocked the door. He opened the door, took her arm, and


  pulled her out of the car. “Come on. We may not have a lot of time. My Tia is waiting in the car for me. I need to get her home.” She willingly let him lead her. She stood outside of the car, looking around. “No people....” She looked up at him, and said, “ Thank you.” She was still in shock. She said, “I will be okay. You should get Mrs. S. home.” He replied, “ Come on. I am getting you to your place. We don't have much time.” He kept hold of her arm and led her to the apartment door. Nina placed the key into the lock,and as she turned it, they both heard two loud voices. They both flinched towards the sound. As they turned to look in the direction where the voices were, two teenagers came around the corner of the building. They were laughing and talking, as though they had no clue about what was going on. Nina looked up at Aidan. He turned to them and said, “ You guys should not be out here alone.” The taller one said, “ Mind your business, Old Man.” The shorter of the two, smirked at Aidan as they passed by him and Nina. Nina turned and said, “ Haven't you guys been paying attention? Look around. There are'nt anymore people. And when there are, they act like flesh eating zombies! He is just trying to warn you! They turned, looked at
her, and scoffed at her, too. “Lady shut your pie-hole.” said one. The other laughed. “Yeah. Go to hell!” Nina didn't say anything else. Aidan said, “Come on. Let them find out on their own.” She opened her door and walked inside the hallway to the complex. Aidan glanced back at his aunt , then followed Nina. He asked, “Where is your place?” She said, “I am right up those stairs. She led the way. He followed, as she walked up the first flight of stairs that they came to. She pointed to the right, as they reached the top of the stairwell. Aidan followed her to her door. He looked at the number on the front, number 12-A. He watched her open the door. She stepped inside, and turned towards him. She held the door open so that she could see him. He said, “It's awful quiet here, for such a large building.” He looked over his shoulder. Nina answered, “It's been like this for a week or two. I was thinking that some of the neighbors had moved. But now, well, I don't think so, anymore.” She swallowed. Then continued, “ Thank you, for walking me up here. You should get back to Mrs. S. I don't think she should be out there alone.” He stared into her eyes, and thought; Man. I don't want to leave her here, alone. He said, “ You are welcome. Lock your doors, and be careful, Nina.” He turned, and walked to the stairs. She watched him disappear, as he walked through the exit. She locked up, and rushed to her living room window, just in time to see Aidans' vehicle pull off. She went to the kitchen, made a sandwich. Then, she went into the living room and turned on the television. She couldn't find anything to watch. Most of the channels were blue, and not broadcasting anything. She showered, put her old sweats on. She went back into the living room, plopped down onto her sofa. She looked at the television. She clicked the remote. Channel after channel was off the air. Or, had a panel of people talking. She stopped on her favorite channel. It was off of the air. She tossed the remote control onto the other end of the sofa. Then picked it up, again. She started to change the channel. She leaned forward. She felt tears streaming down her cheeks. She clicked the remote, again. In a semi-trance, she pushed the buttons for a while. Each channel, was airing a news broadcast, advising the public to call their local governments for information. One broadcast, was repeating a quarantine alert, and a phone number to call if ill. She found one channel with a panel of people speaking. They were talking about the pandemic. She left it on that channel. A very pale man speaking about the National Emergency said, I'll let my guests explain the situation. She turned the volume up. She reached over to the table behind the sofa. She picked up her laptop, and turned it on. After it loaded up, she started to type on the key board. She went to social media. People were talking about this online for a week. Many of the posts were from days before.