Living Dead 2.0 Page 19
He took out his phone, “ Look.” He swiped a few times, then went to a video. In the video, you could see Rose Fox, and Keith showing how they fought off some zombies. It was accidental Keith dropped the camera that was still recording. It caught the whole fight on the video. Three zombies came out of no where. They shot one in the head. The other two had Keith cornered, he stabbed one in the throat, in an upwards direction. The other, he slammed to the ground, and stabbed through the temple. In the background, Rose Fox explains, that she didn't plan on showing this. But, because the video showed a clear view of how to kill the things, she uploaded it so that survivors could learn how to save themselves. As they watched the video, they heard a vehicle. They all jumped out of their seats. Renee ran to the living room and peeked out through the window. She could see Aidan. She thought that some of the dead ones would get him as he climbed into the back of the truck. “ Hurry Aidan! Get into the house! What is he doing?” She could see some of the zombies starting to back-track, and head right for her neighbor. Her heart sank. “Oh no!” Ben said, “I think he is going to fight them! He'll clear the way.” Chloe said, “ Not, if more come back.” Both, Jose and Ben, turned to look at her. She had just burst their bubble. Jose wanted speak, but was flustered. They watched Aidan back the truck into his driveway, and take some supplies. Then, drag them into his house. Renee cut in, “The dead are moving back this way. He is bringing those crates inside. He needs to hurry, they're all coming back. The zombies were walking down the street. They were now heading back towards the hummer and supply truck. Aidan looked like he would fire at some of the oncoming horde. Then, he struggled with the last crate. Mrs. S. stood in the doorway. She looked terrified. Aidan pulled the crate inside, pulled his aunt in, and ran to the truck. He climbed inside and drove the truck out of the driveway, mowing down the closest zombies. He drove the truck over the parkway, at an angle. Doing this blocked the horde long enough for him to escape out through the passenger side door. Renee blurted out, “ They are coming, Aidan!” As her neighbor jumped from the vehicle, Renee saw several more zombies heading towards him. They were going to attack him from all sides. She knew it. She ran to the door. Chloe and the boys yelled,” Stop!” Chloe followed her mother to the front porch. “ Mom!” Renee ran outside and to the fence line. She yelled, while waiving her arms. “ Hey! Hey!, over here!” Aidan was already fighting one off.
He shot it in the head. He heard someone yelling, “Hey!” He turned to see Renee yelling. She was waiving her hands in the air. Now, the dead were heading her way. Aidan yelled, “ Get inside, Renee!” Renee saw that, the zombies that were closest to Aidan, were now heading for her. He yelled again, “Get inside! Hurry!” Chloe yelled,” Mom, get back here!” Ben yelled, “ Hurry, Mrs. G.!” Jose yelled, “Come on! Come on!” Renee turned and bolted to the steps. Once safely on the porch, she turned to see Aidan waive and run back to his house. The zombies were at her fence. They could not get into her yard. Then, she heard the growls. She and the teenagers ran into her home and locked the door. Jose remembered what had happened when the soldiers showed up, a while earlier. One of them yelled, “Shoot them in the head! Head shot! Head shot!” One of them was fighting off more than one bloody, zombie. The zombies took down one of them. Once, they had him tackled, they began to eat him, as a pack. As they watched, they gasped in horror. Now, Gypsy started to whine and bark. She was trying to get up on the window sill. In a panic, Renee blurted out, “ No Gypsy! SSH!” The dog looked at her, then whined towards the window. Chloe cried, “ Mom. If she barks, they will come here!” Renee bent down, she started to stroke and pet Gypsy. Gypsy was shaking. “It's okay, Girl. Ssh. We have to be quiet,” she whispered. The dog knew what was outside. She had fought off, and hidden from those things for a whole day and night, before Renee found her. She leaned on Renee.
She whined, and lay down at Renee's feet. Renee knelt at the corner of the window and peeked through the blinds. She and the others watched,intently. As she made it to her door, Aidan ran into the home and pulled his aunt inside. For now, they were all safe. After a minute, the group saw the lights go out. The returning mob was too big for them to escape, or fight off. They could see the house across the street. Renee knew that Aidan was there with Rosa, and that he would do what was necessary to survive. She could see them looking out the window. Some of the zombies headed towards the home. The blinds closed. Jose blurted out, “ Did you guys see that?” Ben said, “ Yeah! They are watching us. They know that we are here.” Chloe said, “ That is Mrs. Sandovals' house. Her and Aidan are okay. I hope that she does not try to come outside.” Renee said, “ I don't think that she will. Aidan is back home. Now that we know that he is there with her, I'll talk with them when the time is right.” Chloe looked at her mother. She looked happy. “ Mom, we need to ask Aidan for help. He'll know what to do.” Renee addressed her daughter. “Chloe, Aidan cannot do anything, right now. He has to stay with his aunt. But, if those things out there, keep moving, I'll go talk to them. ” Chloe turned back towards the window. They all continued to watch the zombies that wandered around in circles. Jose ran to the bathroom, to vomit. Ben stood there, in silence. Chloe turned around, she could not watch anymore. Renee said, “ You two should go see if Jose is alright.” They stared in shock. Some of the zombies were just standing there. Some were stumbling back down the way that they'd come. She repeated, “Go check on Jose! I'll stay here and keep watch.” Ben looked down. He still could not believe what he was seeing. Chloe said, “Come on, Ben.” She pulled on his arm. He turned and followed her out of the room. After a while, Renee saw two military vehicles appear where the supply truck was parked. Some men exit their vehicles. There were six soldiers, in all. But, they were dressed in black garb. She saw the blinds move at Aidan's place. She knew that he was watching, too. Now, she felt really uneasy. They inspected the truck. Then, stood in a circle, while speaking to each other. Ben and Chloe were now at Renee's side. They both saw the worry on Renee's face. Renee said, “ Don't let them see us. They look like the men who were at the hospital.” Suddenly, a group of zombies rushed from behind some bushes, from the home next to Aidans' place. They were caught by surprise.
Several of the dead, immediately, grabbed hold of two of the men. The men fought them off, as best that they could. They started shooting the dead. Some were taken down instantly. The two men that were attacked first, were on the ground. Several zombies tore at their flesh. They screamed in agony, as the dead bit them everywhere. Renee, and the two teens watched in horror, as one zombie chewed on the face of on man. The others, chewed the legs of the other man. Now, the remaining four were fighting more of the dead. They were swarmed. Two of the men ran for a vehicle. They drove off, leaving their companions to die. The feasting zombies had no mercy. One man was being eaten from the arms. The other was being bitten all over his legs, while two more zombies tore into the flesh on his face and shoulder. One man, shot himself to stop the pain. Renee said, “ You two, go check on Jose. Please?” Chloe said, “ We have to find somewhere safe.” Renee looked at her daughter, “ Chloe, Ben, please check on Jose.” Chloe and Ben were sickened b the gory scene outside. They silently, went to join Jose. Renee watched them walk away. Then, turned back to the view outside of her window. She could not hold in the wave of emotional fear any longer. She could feel tears streaming down her face. She felt grateful, and hopeless. Those men would have killed her and the teens if they had seen them. She knew that. The zombies destroyed her family, and the zombies saved her family, and Rosa's, too. She knew that, she not only had to watch out for the dead, but the living, as well. The hidden room gave her some ease. But, she knew that it would only be a temporary safe haven for them, if they had to use it. The last of the men left alive were barely moving, now.
The supply truck was left on the parkway. The men in black paramilitary moaned in agony, as the zombies fed on their flesh. After they fed, some of the dead started to wander around. Now,
they were scattered, again. Renee watched, as Gypsy whined next to her. The fence ave her a little hope. But, some of them could walk to it and then follow it. Then, change direction back to the street. “I need to keep and eye on that gate.” Gypsy, gently nipped her hand. All of the sudden, she saw her neighbor in the window. He was showing her his phone. She was relieved that he had made it inside. And now, he was tellinh her to check her phone. “Mom.” she heard, from behind her. Chloe continued, “ Those things are all over the place. What are we going to do?” Renee said,” We have to wait, Chloe. I just saw Aidan holding is phone in the window.” Chloe replied, “ Check you messages.” Ben had come downstairs. He was standing behind Chloe. “Jose is out like a light.” Renee said, “ You two go up and try to get some sleep. I am going to wait here until they are all gone. I think that if the block stays quiet, that they may move away. I hope so, anyway.” Renee was worried. She was trying to hide it from her daughter, Ben, and Jose. But, she was terrified. “Mom. Have you talked to Grandma?”
Renee hesitated, “ She is not answering.” her eyes teared up. Chloe said, “ I know. I have already tried. Mom. What if one of those things got her? ” Renee said, “Don't think like that. We will go there. And, everything will be okay.” Renee was worried about her mother. She had been trying to get her to answer her phone for two days. She already knew that her mother probably was not alive. She was hoping that she was. She would wait until the kids were asleep, and scope out the back yard. Then, she had to gather any tools that Marcus had in the garage. Didn't Chloe say the hidden basement that Marcus had fixed had an exit in the garage? Chloe answered, “I showed it to them. The hidden room.” She handed her mother a glass of water. Renee, took the water and gulped it down. “ That's okay. We all may need to hide there. I was thinking....In the morning, we should bring what we need down there. Just some extra food and blankets. Maybe, some candles, too. In case the power goes out. ”
Chloe said, “ I think, that we should wait those things out....” she pointed towards the window.... “and then, get out of here, and go to Grandma's house.” It was dark, but she could see that the look on her mothers' face had changed. She looked like she was assessing the situation. Her mother had always been a problem solver. But now, she had a different look on her face. She was far more guarded than ever. She looked like she was getting ready for a fight. Chloe studied her, “ Mom. What are you thinking?” Renee answered, “ Chloe. We have be more careful. I want you and the boys to get some sleep. You cannot be alert, if you are exhausted. I just want enough supplies hidden, incase those militray guys come back and barge in here. Then, we hide and wait them out. We don't nly nee to be looking for the dead, but the some of the living, too. I will keep watch tonight. Tomorrow, we will finish our meeting.” Chloe turned and left the room. Renee turned back towards the scene outside. Now, she was peeking through the blinds, again. It looked like all of the dead were gone. They had all wandered away. She thought of sneaking outside to get a better look down the street. She kept watching her neighbor's house across the street. The lights were off. She wanted to sneak over there and try to talk to them. If they teamed up, and tried to escape, maybe they would have a fighting chance. Aidan was military. After what she saw the soldiers do at the hospital, maybe he could help, just in case more soldiers came. She checked th door, just to make sure that it was locked. Then, she whispered, “Come on, Gypsy.” The dog followed her to the back door. She attached the leash to the dog's collar. She opened the back door and crept outside. Gypsy staye right by her side. She tip-toed to the corner of her home, and peeked down the driveway, to the street. Aside from the half-eaten corpse, that was now trying to get up, but could not. There were no dead, or living roaming around. She walked Gypsy around the back yard. She skimmed the fence-line. She walked all the way around. She heard growing when she made it to the back corner of the yard. It was coming from the other side. From Mrs. Peralli's yard. She stopped, while Gypsy whined. The dog raised her teeth, she looked at the privacy fence. They both watched the fence shake, as the dead Mrs. Peralli slammed into it. Gypsy growled. Renee walked away, pulling Gypsy. “ Come on Gypsy.” The dog reluctantly followed. They made their way around the back yard. Gypsy did her business, and Renee rushed back into the house. She closed and locked the door behind her. She exhaled in relief, as Gypsy sat staring up at her. She patted the dog on the head, and said, “ Good Girl, Gypsy.” Gypsy licked her hand. She took the leash from the dog's collar. She opened the refrigerator and took a piece of lunch meat out. She turned to Gypsy. “Here you go, Girl.” The dog eagerly devoured her treat. After making herself some tea, Renee made her way back into the living-room. She sat her cup of tea onto the table. She turned her recliner towards the window, and grabbed the throw that she had placed on the back of the sofa. She took her gun out from under her blouse, held it up and stared at it in the dark. She sat down into the recliner, covered herself, and lay back with the gun resting on her tummy. Gypsy lay next to her on the floor. Her hand still on the gun, she leaned forward, and slightly opened the blinds so that she could could watch everything going on outside. The next thing that she knew, she was being shook awake by Chloe. It was morning. Renee jumped out of the chair. She looked out through the blinds. There was one zombie in the street. It was following a piece of paper being blown around by the wind. The half-eaten, corpses still moved around on the ground. Still, going nowhere. There was no one else in sight. Except, for the gruesome scene inside the car that they had seen come to a halt on the side of the curb. Only now, both people inside had turned. “What time is it?” she asked. Chloe said, “It's eight-thirty, Mom. I made coffee.”
Chloe walked into the kitchen. Within a few minutes, she came back with a cup of coffee and some toast. She handed it to Renee. Renee asked , “ Where are the boys?” She took the toast and coffee, then sat back down. Chloe didn't want to answer. She said, “ Earlier,they were out in the back yard with Gypsy.” Renee's eyes grew big with fear. “What?” Chloe said, “They are gone, for now. Except the ones in the car. And, one or two wandering around the street. Jose kept them busy, while Ben locked the gates. They are locked out of the yard, for now. They also turned the cars around to face out, in case we have to leave in a hurry.” Renee felt a little better that they were trying to help. “So... where are they, now?” Chloe said, “ They went to check on Ben's house. He wants to see if his parents came home. they said, something about getting something that we could use. I don't know what.” Renee became worried. “It's not safe out there, Chloe. You should have gotten me up.” “I tried to tell them, Mom.”
Renee put her head down. She placed her hand over her eyes. She knew the boys may not make it back. “Do you know which way they went?” Chloe said, “Away from the dead ones that were out front.” Renee was worried. “If they don't get back soon, I'll have to go looking for them. You will have to hold things down here, until I get back.”
“Mom. You can't go out there. ”
“I will stay in the car. I will turn around and come right back if I see any of those things.”
Renee continued, “As soon as we get a chance, we go to Grandma's house. Okay? When we see that those things are not around, we quietly load up what we can take with us. If we see any of them coming towards us, we come in and lock the doors. If more goons in black show up, and try to come inside, we hide in your Dad's hidden room.” Not responding to the goons in black comment, Chloe asked, “ What are we going to bring? If we have to leave?” Renee said, “Clothes, water, what food that we can carry. Maybe a few extra blankets. I don't know if Mom has enough blankets and sheets for the boys. Your Dad's guns and ammo. And, the paperwork that we found. So that we can try to find this new place of ours.” Chloe said, “ I know where it is. But we should get Grandma, first.” Renee said, “ Okay, then. Is it out in the open? Or private?” Chloe said, “ Private.”
“Mom. I think we should get out of here today. Dad used to say that if
the crap hits the fan, not to wait. To leave right away.” Renee replied, “Honey, we are. But, I need to figure out what we should bring with us, and the best route. If we run into a big mob of those things, they may trap us. And, it's not just that... We have to be wary of the soldiers in black, too. I told you what they did at the hospital.”
Chloe cut in, “Mom. We have to act fast, or we won't make it. Dad told me what to do if everything fell apart, and he could not be here.” Renee argued, “ Chloe. You have not seen what it is like out there. Your Dad was getting ready for an economic breakdown. Not a zombie apocalypse! I am going to go ovre and talk to Aidan and his aunt as soon as I get a chance.”
She continued, “ We have to be careful with everything that we do. And, with everyone.”
Chloe was scared. She wanted to get out of there. She knew that they would be trapped if they didn't leave, while they could. She shook her head back and forth, from side to side. “There is not much time. We need to go, now. Tell them to come with us.”