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Living Dead 2.0 Page 21


  Granny said, “ It's been quiet out here. Rose just left. Her and Keith are out here, now. She was going to go out and check on you. She'll be glad to know that you are okay. Just get out here, tomorrow, Be careful.” Dawn felt so relieved, “ I will, Granny. Just keep your doors locked. Love you.” Granny replied, “I love you too, Girl.” They ended their call. Dawn felt a little better, now that she knew her Granny was safe. The Jenson family sat and ate dinner in silence. The kids were worried, so were their parents. After wards, Dawn cleaned up. The kids went upstairs. Tom went into the living room and turned the television back on. Most channels were static, or had a blue screen showing. Some channels had older movies showing, or panels of people speaking about the new mutated sickness, and what not to do. There was one local television channel that was giving updates on the situation. At one point, the commentator started to give clues as to upcoming quarantine zones and where military would be moving to. Tom left the channel on and listened to the man. It was obvious that, the man was giving clues to the public, to enable them to avoid the government. The man said, “And, just in; the town of Shererville will be next on FEMA's list in testing areas. The government will arrive there sometime tomorrow morning, and set up local triage centers for those who feel that they have come in contact with any infected. Remember, those military men and women are up before dawn. You can go to any triage center near you. The military will be assisting FEMA, while they close off various areas that will be needed to for use in examining and helping the public. Avoid schools, community centers, hospitals and stadiums.” He glanced over to someone in the background and cleared his throat. “Just until officials can get set up. Don't worry, they are the government and they will be there to help you.” Dawn moved into the living-room. She stood still, and watched. They could hear someone from the background protest, “ Don't give too much info! Shut it down! Shut him down!” The Commentator stared at someone behind the camera. Then, the channel went off the air. Tom and Dawn stared at the television for a moment. Tom turned the television off. He said, “They are moving towards us.”

  Dawn asked, “ Who? Who is moving towards us? The military? Isn't that a good thing?” He turned to her. He didn't know how to tell her that they needed to get out of there, as fast as possible. He said, “Come here, and sit down.” He patted the seat cushion on the sofa. She complied. “Dawn,” He paused, and turned to see if the children were still upstairs. Then, he turned back to Dawn. He whispered, “I am not sure what this is. It could be some kind of experiment, or something that they've lost control of. I don't know. But, we need to gather as much as we can pack into the Yukan and get out to the cabin.... fast. Once we get out there, we can go check on Granny. I called Lonnie. He is coming with Mom and Joanna. They will meet us out there.” She looked nervous. She could tell that he was serious. He did not want the kids to know what they were talking about. They were spooked, too. Something really bad was happening. She knew it, and so did everyone else. She said, “ Tom. We will need more than your Yukan to do that. But, we do need to get away for awhile. What if it's the same out by the cabin?” He said, “ We get out there and we wait. The government is focused on the cities, right now.” He studied her for a moment. She sat back. “You are sure about this?” he blurted out, “ Yes. I still have the trailer in the garage. I can tie down any bigger items or boxes you bring. I know you still have all of those big plastic things. You have used them for years. Dump them out and bring what you want to keep and what you need. We can pack blankets, clothes, food and medicine in the back of the Yukan. We need to get on it all packed up now, and leave first thing in the morning. That's when they will be in Shererville. After they set up shop there, it won't take long before they get here. We only have tonight. Get packed, and get some rest.


  We need to be up really early. It will take time to go through everything. Make a list, now.” She calmly watched him speak. He stopped talking, and studied at the expression on her face. He expected her to refuse, and kick him out. She said, “I have to go to Granny's. Rose is already there. She tried to warm me weeks ago. I thought that she was crazy. We need to tell the kids to pack what they want to bring.” He closed his eyes, expressing his relief. Then, shook his head in approval. She stood up, walked over to the stairway and yelled for the kids to come down. They both came down the stairs. Tyler asked, “What Mom?” Dawn said, “ You two come here, and sit down. We want to talk to you.” The two siblings did as they were told. Dawn said, “ Kids, your Dad and I are taking you out to the cabin. I want you to pack all of your clothes. I will give you each two bins. One for winter clothes and one for your summer clothes. When you fill the bins, bring them down. I need your blankets and sheets, too. Don't forget your pillows, your slippers, or your socks and underwear. If you fill the bins and still have more clothes, come down and let me know, I'll get you something else to put your things in. It is important that we bring all of our clothes. We won't be able to go to the store to buy more for a long time. Same with coats. Also, boots inside your closets. We are bringing what we need. If there is room for other things, after we pack necessities, we'll bring those things. The clothes that you can't fit, put on my bed. I will put those in the laundry bags that I have. I have some boxes out in the garage, I'll use what is left for personal supplies. I will bring what I have in the kitchen, too. Don't forget the things that you want to bring. We won't come back, for a while.” Tom cut in, “ We are leaving early in the morning. As soon as you are finished packing, get in the shower. We all need rest tonight. I will call the grocery store and see if they take any plastic. If they will, we'll stop and load upon some stuff. That is, if they are even open. If not, we will go straight to the cabin.” Tessa asked,”Are we going to stay there for good?” Tyler said, “We are going to need extra food for Spanky.” Spanky, who was lying on his dog bed, shifted his gaze to Tyler. “We'll get it, Son.” Said, his father. Tyler smiled in approval. He loved Spanky. The American bulldog had been with the family for two years. Dawn said, “Okay, now. Go on up, get your things together, take your showers. We have a very hectic day tomorrow.” The two Jenson kids did what their mother had told them to do. They went upstairs. The next morning, the Jenson family packed what they could of their belongings into Tom's Yukan, and Dawn's car. They locked up the house and left. While Dawn followed, Tom drove the back roads from Crown Point towards their cabin in the country. The plan was to get to the cabin, then meet Tom's family that was going to stay with them. They hardly saw anyone traveling. They stopped at a grocery store. As they headed inside, Tom said, “ Kids, stay by us. Dawn, if anything happens, get to the cars.” Dawn agreed, “ Okay.” The four walked int the store and shopped. They saw one other customer inside. They saw only two employees in the whole store. Dawn bought groceries for the family. On the way out, they grabbed two fifty pound bags of dog food for Spanky. As they started to load up the little bit of room in the car, Spanky started barking profusely. Tom looked up and the dog was looking towards the edge of the parking lot. He saw several creepy looking people coming their way. Spanky clawed at the window. He growled and barked. Tom yelled, “ Get into the car. Dawn shuffled the children into the car. Tyler blurted out, I want to go with Dad!” Tom tossed the last bag of dog food into the trunk of the car. He ordered, “ Go, Ty! Get in the Yukan! Hurry! Dawn, get in! Pull the car up to the exit, I'll be behind you!”


  Dawn protested, “ No, get in with Tyler!” They were both starting to go into panic mode, and both were worried about the other, and the children. Tom argued, “ Go! I am getting in, right now!” She turned to see Tyler climbing into the Yukan. The staggering mob was only twenty feet away. Tessa was yelling from the passenger side seat, “Hurry, Mom! Dad, look!” The young girl pointed to the bloody, mob that was staggering towards them. Tom turned, and realized that the dead mob was getting closer. He pushed Dawn down into the seat, he slammed the door, “ Go! I am right behind you!” He ran to the d
rivers-side door. As he climbed inside, he turned back to see the zombie mob just a few feet away. Spanky was in attack mode, now. Tom slammed the door and started his vehicle. He saw Dawn drive around in a half circle. She looked worried, as she stared at him through her mirror. When she saw the way the mindless, bloody, crowd grabbed for the trailer, as Tom pulled away from them, a bolt of fear shot through her. She shrieked, “ Hurry Tom!” She watched, as Tom drove up behind her. She let out a sigh of relief. He pulled around to her side, and waived for her to follow him. After they began to travel, he called her on the cell phone. She answered the call. “Honey, we can't freeze up, anymore. This is serious. Lock your doors, and stay behind me. We are not stopping for anyone. If I see trouble ahead, I'll tapp my brakes a few times. If you see the brake lights flashing, hang back.” She said, “Yes, Tom. I know.” She looked over at Tessa, who looked terrified. She said, “ I'm sorry that I didn't believe you, Tom.... ” He cut her off, “ Its okay. Just focus on the road. Those people, they wander out into traffic. So, focus on what is in front of you. And, don't stop. Okay?” She said, “ Yes. Alright.” They ended their call, and drove. When they came to the cabin, they went inside. As they started to unload their things, they saw an old Suburban drive up their private road. It was Rose and Keith. Keith drove up, and parked behind the Yukan. They both, exited the big vehicle. The sisters hugged. Rose said, “Oh Sis. I was so worried. We tried to get to your place. The Interstate is like a war zone. You guys have to come out to Granny's. She is worried sick over you two and the kids. ” Dawn was visibly spooked, “Rosie, you were right. I am sorry that I didn't believe you.” Rose hugged her sister, again. “ You are okay. That is all that matters.” Tom asked, “Does she have room for all of us?” Keith cut in, “Yep. She has had me moving stuff around all week. We tried to get to your house the other day. But, we got turned around. The highway, well....” Rose cut in, Just say that you guys are going to come to the house. Granny is really worried.” Dawn and Tom exchanged a look. Tom said, “ But, we have so much to bring with us. I have been stocking up, for at least a year out here.” Rose said, “ Granny knows you, Tom. She told us to come here first, but I thought you would still be at the other house. I got worried when I called, and didn't get an answer.” Dawn turned to Tom, and said, “ Maybe, we could bring our things to Granny's. And, leave a small supply here. Just in case.”

  Tom said,” We have a whole house full of stuff here... If we don't store where no one will find it eventually, someone will. And, once hey get inside, we'll have to fight them for it.” He held his hands out to the side, with his palms facing up. Keith said, “ Listen, Bud. I'll help you move your stuff. You have your SUV, and that trailer. I have the old Burban, there.” We could pack a lot of things in the two vehicles. Tom thought about it. He wanted to make sure that Keith really knew how mush they had to move. “It will take us two or three days to move it all to Granny's.” Keith said, “ Don't worry. I can help, Tom. ” He pointed to his vehicle. Rose added, “We could go get Granny's truck. In a day, we could have it all moved. We just make as many trips as we have to. We stop at dark and come back in the morning, if we don't have it all moved tonight. ” Tom said, “We are going to be busy all day. I think it is going to take several trips.”


  Keith said, “ Okay. We load up my vehicle, now And, bring the truck on the way back. If we see a horde, we turn around A.S.A.P.!” Dawn repeated, “ A horde?” Rose said, “Those things travel in packs, or hordes. We have to travel together and be careful. Lately, we have been seeing larger herd-like mobs of them. We have been calling them, hordes. I'll tell you guys everything, when we get home.” The group loaded up Keith's Suburban with a load of belongings. They drove to Granny's and unloaded. The children stayed with Granny, while the four adults drove back with Tom, Granny, and Keith's vehicles. They were able to move the beds and all of the supplies that Tom had. They were finishing up, and Tom said, “ Oh no! Keith. Can you help me?” Keith said, “ Sure, but we need to hurry. Tom led him into the cabin. Keith followed him to a basement. He opened a trunk. It contained some weapons. He pulled out a couple of boxes. The tops were partly open. Keith could see ammunition inside both boxes. Tom said, “Can you take these out for me. I'll be right there.” Keith said, Okay.” Tom said, “Thanks. I have to make sure I have everything.” Keith picked up the boxes and went up the stairs. Tom took his ham radio, and with one hand pulled the trunk to the stairs. He turned around and picked up another large box. This one had more ammunition and some hunting items. When Keith came back, they sat the radio and box on top of the trunk, then carried it all up the stairs by the handles. The two men struggled, but made it to the vehicles with the items. They loaded the last of the belongings into the vehicles. Tom said, “I'll come back tomorrow and board it all up.” They headed for their new home. When they arrived, they ate fried chicken and dumplings that Granny had made for them. They all slept good that night.


  Ray and Jessie walked down the dirt path behind Amy and Mary. The men were talking about the baseball game that they were going to go see. As they were going about their business, both men looked up just in time to see three black helicopters flying over them. Ray noticed that they were military. “ I wonder what that is all about?” he blurted out. Jessie said, “ They are flying awfully low.” The two sisters were walking up ahead of their husbands on the same path. They also, took notice and watched the machines fly over. Amy said, “So where is dinner tonight? Your house or ours?” The two couples stuck together because of the two sisters close family ties after the death of their parents. They did almost everything together. They ate meals at each others homes, almost daily. They had started a group work out routine together. Ray, a former Marine, and Jessie, a personal trainer worked out together regularly even without their wives. Today, they were on a group-hike. Mary answered, “I don't know. What do you guys want to do tonight? Ours or theirs?” She half turned around, while glancing back at the two men as she walked. Her question to the guys went right over their heads. Amy responded for them. She said, “We can do it at our place, Sis. I have all of that philly-beef meat in the freezer. I can heat it up and we can have hot sandwiches. Okay?”


  She made sure that the men could hear her. They were closer, now. Ray cut in, “Hm, philly-beef.” Jessie said, “ Yeah, sounds good.” Mary replied, “Okay. On the way home, I'll stop off at the store and grab some hard rolls and potato salad.” As they came around a curve on the path, they saw a field with a group of five people walking towards them. All four hikers came to a halt. But, not until after the guys almost walked into the their wives. Jessie tapped Ray on the shoulder and said, “Talk about, the hiker's from hell!” The two men studied the group for a minute. They noticed that all of the people in the group were staggering. They were very dirty, and bloody. Ray said, “Okay, Ladies... time to head the other way. Let's just get back to the cars and call the police.” Amy and Mary both looked at each other for a long moment. Amy blurted out,“There is something wrong with them!” She grabbed Mary's arm. Mary said, “ I don't think that they are hiker's.” The women were horrified. Jessie said, “Um. Ray is right. We should get to the cars.” Now, all four noticed that the bloody group had started staggering faster, and directly in their direction. Jessie said, “ Come on! Let's get out of here!” Ray put his hands on Amy's shoulder, turning her around, “Come on! We will do a slow run back.” The four started back the other way. They all did a slow jog. Jessie turned to see if the creepy looking hikers would give chase. He noticed that they came towards them, but they were still staggering at a considerably slow pace. When the two couples came to where the cars were parked, they rushed to them, opened the doors and jumped inside. They started their vehicles and wasted no time pulling out to the road. Jessie was driving in front. He stopped and rolled his window down. He stuck his arm out of the window, and waived for Ray to pull up so that his car would line up with his truck. When Ray complied,
he yelled, “We need to meet up in town. Mary is calling the police.” Ray and Amy both agreed. Both couples drove off down the highway in their vehicles. One, following the other. Mary was already dialing 911 on her cell phone. “A busy signal!” She stared at the phone for a few seconds. She ended the call, and re-dialed. She heard the same busy signal that she had just previously heard, then hung up. She yelled. “Oh my G...” Jessie cut her off “What? Mary...” Mary kept calling, hanging up, and redialing 911. She looked extremely agitated, and equally worried. Jessie asked, “What is the matter? Is anyone answering?” She looked at him, and shook her head from side to side. “No! I got a busy signal...A busy signal!” Jessie blurted out, “We have to call the cops. Even if that was not blood, those people were not right.” She said, “I know. They aren't answering! Just get to the police station up in Lafayette! “They drove into Lafayette. When they arrived in town, they saw military people and their vehicles all over the place. Ray was concerned. Amy could see it in his face. He slowed down,as they passed a parking lot full of black SUV'S. The were military setting up road blocks every other corner. As they came to one street, they stopped and watched soldiers working. It looked like they were closing one section of the area off with concrete. Ray drove up, then around Jessie's vehicle. He beeped as he passed and turned into the parking lot of the Taco King. Jessie followed. They all exited their vehicles. They studied the soldiers, while they moved rolls of chain link fence and barbed wire around. Some of the military vehicles were blocking the intersection. Cars were trying to drive through, while beeping and yelling at them to move. Ray said, “This is not good. Whatever is going on, it is serious. This is what they do when they are going to shut a place down.” The other three turned to look at him, in sync with each other. Mary repeated, “Shut a place down?” Amy asked, “Babe. What do you mean? Why would they want to do that?”Jessie cut in, “ Because, something serious must be going on. Something they don't want to let the public know about. Look at all of that fencing, and barbed wire. I mean, they have concrete blocks over there!”