Living Dead 2.0 Page 29
He sat there for a long time, staring at the radio. When he realized what had happened, and that it was real. He had to look over his shoulders, just to make sure that, another crazy zombie would not sneak up on him. Even though, he was inside his truck. He decided to drive to town, and see what was going on there. He said to himself, “Keep it together. Get to town, and talk to some of the people there. They will know what is happening.” Usually, there was not much going on. Unless, you wanted to go to Gabbys' Pie House. Then, you could get some pie and ice cream and get caught up on the latest gossip. He would feel better after he saw some other people. As Will rolled into town, he immediately noticed that, there was no one around. No cars diving around. None. No people walking up the side walks. He pulled into Gabby's. He was relieved to see the OPEN sign lit up. He got out of the truck, and approached the glass door. He opened the door and walked into the family restaurant. He stopped at the end of the counter and looked around. He yelled, “ Hello! Gabby, you here?”
A short, dark-haired, young woman walked out from behind the wall that ran from the counter.
She said, “Will. It's you. I am telling you. I was getting ready to close early. I did not even have one customer, today. Not even one.! Can you believe that?” Will stood silent. He was just looking at her. She doesn't know; he thought. He was relieved that she was here talking to him. But, didn't know if he should tell her what had happened. He said, “Hey, Gabby. You have some coffee ready?” he looked shaken. She stared at him, for a minute. She answered, “Sure,” She turned around, and went to get the pot of coffee. Will sat at the counter. As he sat down, he turned over a white cup. He held it up, so she could pour the coffee inside. She came back to the with a pot of coffee in her hand. She started to pour some coffee into Will's cup. She asked, “ Are you alright, Will?” He said, “Thank you, Gabby.” He reached into his pocket and lay some money down onto the counter. She studied him. Unsure if she should respond, because of the look on his face. “You're welcome. Do you know what is going on out there, Will? It has been like a ghost town for two days. I mean, it has been slow all week. But, today... And now, the way you look.”
“Gabby. I don't know. It's getting kind of strange out there.” He stared at his cup. “Gabby. You been on the radio or watched any T.V. Lately?” She answered, “ No time. But, my show wasn't on last night. I was aggravated about that one.” He watched her speak. He remembered what the guy on the radio said. He cut in, “ Gabby. I think things are happening.” she asked, “ What things?” He continued, “On the way here, I saw a man. He was not right. Gabby. Have you heard anything about some new illness?” She swallowed, “ Uh.. yes. As a matter of fact, I have. They canceled school all week. Amber is at home, right now. It's supposed to be the subject of some new community orders we are supposed to know about soon. You know about that?” Will said, “ Yes. Only part of it. But, I turned the radio on, Gabby. The guy was freaking out on air.” She repeated, “Freaking out?” He shook his head up and down, “He was warning the public. He said that the government was taking them over. He said that, they were shutting them down. Then, there were gun shots. And, he was off the air. The other day, the Mayor wanted to have a special town hall at the high school. I don't have kids in school, not anymore. So I didn't think it pertained to me. But, something strange is going on. I have a bad feeling that, that meeting may have something to do with this. Been hearing a lot of talk on the ham, too. Gabby, they are saying that, it's not safe to be out. They are say that people are attacking and eating other people. And the guy that I just encountered. He acted like he was nuts. And he didn't look right, either.”
He picked up his spoon. He started to turn it, between his fingers. She looked down at the spoon in his hand. He continued “Do you have a place to stay out side of town?” She shrugged. “My house is in town, but I haven't been able to get a hold of my Mom. She is outside of Delphi. I was going to go over there, today. Why would I need a place outside of town, Will? What about the police?”
He replied, “ I don't think they can respond. Maybe it's a good idea if you take Amber to your Mom's. Just for a few days. Not interfering, just a thought.” She was concerned, now. She asked, “What do you think it is?” Will said,” I don't know. But, it is not good. People are acting weird. Attacking people, for nothing. Gabby.... They are saying that they are dead. After the guy I just saw, I am starting to believe it. And, I just drove down Main Street. Whole town is....gone, or something. You gotta gun, Gabby?” She shook her head up and down. She said, “ Yes.” Will went on, “I will wait here for you to close up. I'll walk you to your car. You go straight home, alright? Get what you and your daughter need, then get to your Momma's place. Don't stop for anyone. The people I mentioned that are attacking.... well, you can tell they are not right. You see one, you get out of there. And fast. If you see military or black S.U.V.'s, you scram! Even faster. Okay? You need help, you get to my place.” The notion that something serious was happening started to sink in with her. She shook her head. She quietly, said, “ I heard the hospital is on lock down, Will.” He asked, “ Since when?” She said, “ I heard it from Mrs. Katz, like two days ago.” He said, “Just like Mike said. They come into a place, start closing everything down before anyone knows what is happening. Then, it's too late for everyone.” She blurted out, “This happened somewhere else?” He said, “ My ham-radio buddy. He said that, the government closed off Merrillville like this.” She was shocked. “ I didn't hear about that!” He said, “ No one did. Gabby, you need to get to your Momma's place. Don't trust any one. Okay?” She looked worried. He said, “Just leave what you don't need here. Close up, and I'll follow you home.” She closed up in a hurry. Will followed her home. He watched her go into her house. She waived to him, as she closed the door. He pulled away, feeling like a child waking up in the middle of the night, while fearing that the boogeyman was underneath his bed. While he drove home, he looked for signs of people. There were none. How was he going to tell the girls what he saw? When he made it back to his place, Stella and Scarlett almost mauled him at the door. They immediately, tried to find out where he had been. He said, “Girls. We need to talk.” He walked past them. He said, “ Lock that door. Come in here. I want your full attention.” Stella and Scarlett followed him into the family room. Stella, stood in the doorway. She asked, “ You saw him, didn't you?” Will shook his head. “ Yes, Stella. I am afraid that are many more like him. We all need a talk.” She replied, “ More like him? That's what do you want to talk to us about? What is going on Dad?” They both satdown onto the sofa, across from him. Will sat down, and faced them. He sat there for a moment. He looked worried. Both of his daughter's saw it. “First, I want to tell you girls that, I love you both.” Stella cut in, “ Dad, am I in trouble?”
Will said, “No. I think we all are. But, not in the way that you think.” Scarlett asked, “Then what is it?” Will continued, “I think that, things have changed......” He paused. Then, continued, “In the world, as we know it.” Scarlet and Stella turned to look at each other. Stella replied,” Like the guy I hit?” Will quietly asked her, “What did you notice about that man?” She looked a little scared. Looking back and
forth between her father and sister, she told them. “ He was, creepy.” Scarlett blurted out, “How?” Stella continued, “ Zombie-movie- creepy. That's how. His face was contorted, and his color was off. He walked like a zombie.” Scarlett half-laughed. She looked at her father. “Are you kidding?”
She looked back at Stella. “No. She is not kidding, Scarlett. I saw the guy. He is like…. a living dead person. I have never seen anything like that in my life.” He rubbed his forehead. He blew out a loud breath of air. Stella said, “Dad, where is he? Is he still out there?” Will was still rubbing head. He said, “Look! We have to stay here, on the farm. Until I can figure this out, we be careful, keep lights down at night. Keep noise down. Tomorrow, I'll go around the prop
erty and make sure the fencing is good. And, that the gates are closed. I will try to get more information later on.” Scarlet asked, “ Have you gone over to Ms. Clea's place? Just to see if she has heard anything from Rose, or Dawn?” Will replied, “ I thought about that. Going to go, tomorrow. First thing in the morning. Last time I talked to Tom, he was getting ready to go get his family. He was seeing some strange things happening where he lives. And works. There has been a lot of chatter from some others, too. But, the last few days... not much of anything.” Stella cut in, “Yeah! Rose has her own internet show. She might have heard something.”
Will continued, “Well, until I can figure out how bad this is, and it looks real bad, we all stay here. Don't forget, we have to keep noise and lighting down. I'll pull out all of the two-ways. We each keep a two-way and gun with us at all times, even inside. If you see anyone on the property, get me first. Do not go check it out alone.” Scarlett and Stella exchanged a fearful glance. Stella said, “Dad. I think that we should all go together. To check the property, and to check on Ms. Clea.” Will said, “Nope. I need you girls here. It won't take me that long. She is pretty up on things. And, I suspect that her family is already there. No one has heard from Tom on the ham, lately. I think, Mike said, it's been a week since he talked to him. He was hearing bad news, then. So, he should be there, or at his cabin.” He stood up. “Also, we need to inventory everything we've got here. Every seed, every can and jar, every head of cattle, and every bullet. Tomorrow, I am giving you girls a list of what to do. Don't sit on it. We have a lot to do to get this place in order, and on locked down.” His daughters once again exchanged a long, concerned, glance at each other. They had not seen their father so serious, not since their mother died. They were both worried, and it showed on their faces. He continued,” We are going to be okay, as long as we are careful. Now, is there anymore pie left?” Stella said, “Yes, Dad. But, what about all of the people in town? How will we know, who is okay to talk to?” Will said, “ I saw Gabby. No one was in that place. She said they were all attending a meeting at the school. I heard on the scanner that they were opening up the high school and the community center, if anyone needed help with anything. She is going to her Mothers' place. We need to be ready for anything.” Stella cut in, “ Maybe, we should all go?” Will said, “ Well. My guess is, that the government has known about whatever this is for awhile, now. Mike said, they came in and closed everything off, before anyone knew what was going on. Then, no one could get out. He said that, they were killing people. I think we need to stay put. ” Scarlett repeated, “Killing people?” Stella asked, “ Dad, do you really think the government is trying to kill them?” Will gave her a semi-sardonic look. “I don't trust their motives. Mike 's neighborhood was sut down weeks ago, but yet, nothing on the news about it. Now, they call a meeting at the school, and not one vehicle on the road. Not one child playing at the park. Pay attention, Girl.”
Stella continued his answer, “They are grouping everyone together, under the guise of helping them.” Will said, “ I am afraid that may be the case. Girls, we cannot trust anyone, unless we know them.” He wanted to comfort his girls, but didn't know what to say. The two females were starting to realize how serious this was. They both looked, as though, they had been punched in the gut. Will stood up, and walked out of the room. He stopped, and turned half way around, “Oh. And, keep the doors locked.”
He continued walking away. He went straight to his tool-room. He pulled out his chest. Opened it up, and pulled out two hand guns. One, a Glock-19, and the other, a Glock -26. He chose those two firearms so that, his daughters would have a gun that they could easily grip. He pulled out three extended magazines. He took out a box of ammunition. He started to fill the magazines with bullets. He wanted to make sure that, if he was not around, Stella and Scarlett had a way to protect themselves. He finished loading the magazines. Then, he took an AR-15, and two more firearms out of his chest.
He loaded his guns and ammo into a duffel bag. He threw the duffel over his shoulder. Then, took the two guns for his daughters, and the magazines that went with them. He carried it all upstairs. He went into the family room. The girls were still sitting there. They both eyed the guns. As soon as Will walked into the room, he turned the guns around, handing one to each of his daughters. They instinctively, took the guns. They were both taught to shoot, and be responsible with a fire arm at a young age. They both knew that, guns are used for protection. They knew that this was it. Will said, “Use your ammo, only if you have to. If any of those things come up here. Shoot between the eyes. Remember, aim small, miss small. Now, where is the pie?” Stella stood up. She drew in a deep breath. She said, “ I'll get you some pie, Dad.” She walked into the kitchen. Scarlett watched her sister walk away. She asked, “ Daddy, is it really that bad out there?” He hesitated to answer her, at first. He swallowed. He shook his head up and down. He said, “ I think so. We need to be alert. I am hoping that here, we will be safe. If we are careful, I think we can make it. But, I need to figure out exactly what is going on, before I can figure out how we should take on all of this. You Girls, need to follow my lead. I need to try to get some more information on what is happening. I am hoping that Rose and Ms. Clea will have a heads up on things.” In the kitchen, Stella was cutting a piece of pie for her Father. He loved his pie. Today, it was leftover apple. She placed the pie on a plate, took a fork out of the drawer, and placed the plate onto the kitchen table. Will came into the room, sat down in front of his pie, and started eating. In between bites, “ Thank you, Stella. This hits the spot.” She said, “ You're welcome Dad.” Then, she asked, “ Were there more? Like him, out there?” He kept eating,” I think so. I didn't see any, but him. Most of the town was empty. Except, Gabby. You are stronger than your sister. This is something big. Something that I did not expect. You two need to stay here and lay low, til we know what this is. Get on listing everything we have here. And, how much? Right down to the toothpaste. You hear?” He stopped eating and looked up at her. She knew that he was serious. She said, “ Okay, Dad. I will. I'll get on it, right away.” He said, “ Good. I am hopin that Ms. Clea, or Rose knows something.”
He finished his pie. He stood up, as Stella took his plate. She turned around, and washed the dish. He said, “ I am going out to check the fences. You two keep watch up here.” He walked back through the family room. He picked up his duffel bag and said to Scarlet, “Help your sister keep watch here. I need to check the fences. Stay near the radio.” He walked outside. Scarlett went to the window. She watched him get into his truck and drive off. She heard her sisters' voice from behind her. “ We have to make a list of everything we've got here. Dad wants us to start right away.” Scarlett said, “ I know. I heard him.” She turned around. “We should go out to town, and see what is going on, Stella.” Stella said, “No! We stay here, and write down what we have. We check the hen houses. We tend the garden, then, we can what we pick. The same as always, only now, we have to be more careful.”
“ About what, Stella? There is no one out here, but us!”
“You just want to go look for Joey! Scarlett, something is going on! Something bad.”
Scarlett cut in, “All the more reason for me to find Joey!” Stella said, “ Joey should be trying to find you! Wake up!” Scarlett stomped out of the room, and up the stairs.
Rob and Pearl had done a good job of hiding their house at the edge of town. The property was already hidden by the trees, but Rob had Josh help him gate off the driveway. Then, they cut large trees down, from behind the property so that they could drag them to the front of the gate. They had been eating from the garden, since before it all started, anyway. They fished from the pond behind their home. Josh had been helping them put together a larger greenhouse. It was planned before they had to hide out. But, because Rob had already obtained the materials for the project, they only needed to put it together. Rob said to Josh,” Okay, we take turns with
saws and drill. One of us has to keep watch for the other. Just in case those things come this way. We don't want to bring those things to close to the house.” Josh agreed, “Okay, Grandpa.” Rob said, “ I'll still need your help on it, though.” He looked over at his wife, “ Pearl... Watch our backs. Please?” Pearl lifted her rifle up in the air. She watched the whole yard, while Rob an Josh worked. They had the greenhouse put up in a day. Now, they needed to plant seedlings in cups, so they could transplant into the green house when fall arrived. They were in mid-summer. Bella and Lola came out to join them. Lola asked Pearl, “Grandma. Did you try to call Mom and Dad, again?” Pearl wanted to cry. “Yes. Honey-baby. I left a message.” She lied to the girl. The phone lines were jammed. They had partial solar power in the kitchen. Rob would run a cord into the living room for two hours a night, so that the children could watch a movie. Before the dead started to rise, Rob had started to put in solar power. He never finished connecting more panels. So, only part of the house was on solar. The kitchen and bathroom area. If it weren't for that, they would have no power at all. The buildings in town were without power, now. They had to cover the windows at night. This allowed them to have lights on, without the dead seeing. Their home was built far behind a thick layer of trees and overgrowth. They had five acres of land, with their own pond. Pearl asked Bella, “Bella, will you help me start some seedlings?” Lola happily blurted out, “ I want help!” Pearl smiled over at her Grand-daughter,” I know you do.” She touched the little girl's nose with the tip of her pointing finger.” Bella said, “Okay, Grandma.” Josh and Rob walked to where Pearl ad the girls were sitting. Rob said, “ We'll get the doors on, later.” Pearl said, “ Well. We have six weeks of warm temps. I'll get the winter seeds going this week. Then, we'll be okay when it get's cold.” Rob was pleased. “Good. How are we on meat?” Pearl said, “ Had to fill the freezer from the deep freeze, this morning. I would say that we will be okay for a month. After that, we'll have to fish or hunt for meat.” Josh suggested, “ Why don't we go into town and see if we can sneak into one of the old stores?” Both of his grandparents shot him a disapproving look. Rob said, “I don't think that, that is a good idea Josh. We have to stay close to home, now.” Josh said, “ Grandpa. They move slow. I have been watching videos online, at night. There are people who go out and kill those things. We have to shoot them in the head. Or, stab them in the eyes.” Pearl blurted out, “ JOSH!” Josh, now not wanting offend his Grand-mother, stopped talking and put his head down. Rob said, “We stay here, Josh.” Later, In the day, while Pearl and Rob were in the new greenhouse, Josh decided to sneak out and look around.