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Living Dead 2.0 Page 3
Living Dead 2.0 Read online
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She stared at him, in complete disbelief. It took several seconds for her to comprehend that this man had just stated that, the people pictured in the photos... were eaten. But, she knew that something very bad was coming to light. She repeated, “Eaten? So, this was done by animals?” He said, “ No, Ms. Fox. The people who were bitten or vaccinated, did the eating.” She didn't know what to say. She let out a sardonic, half-laugh. “ Sir. Is this a joke?” She studied him, as he spoke. He kept looking over his shoulder. He looked exhausted, and like he was in mourning. As though, he had just lost a loved one. He quietly replied, “No. it's... it's not a joke. I wish it were. They are trying to kill me for exposing this. No matter, now. I am leaving the area. I would suggest that you do, as well. The story here, is not just the depravity involved in what they have done to those people. But, that they have lost control of the spreading of the virus, itself. It has been spreading around the world, for months. The 3rd world is already gone. By next week, it will have spread all over this country, too. If you really want the truth, look at all of the cities that they are now closing off for infrastructure assessment. Or, check out areas that have ongoing evacuations, due to water contamination. The people are not being evacuated. They are being rounded up and killed. I suggest you find a remote area to go to, and stay there. The word is that, they are closing off and quarantining, regionally. Containment, means death. People within the world government think that they can only contain this by killing. Right now, the rural areas will be the best place to be. This DNA altering infection has a ninety-percent death rate. It spreads by the bite. Only a head shot can kill the dead, after they turn. Remember that, Ms. Fox. A head shot. Or, the piercing of the brain.” Rose listened to him. He saw that she was visibly shocked. She repeated,“The piercing of the brain? So, everyone dies?” He replied, “ Everyone that gets bitten. Then, officials deem the survivors, non-useful.” She repeated, “ Non-useful?” Then, he handed her more documents. Some, with more pictures. The pictures were graphic, and very bloody. She was trying to shake herself out of shock. He pulled a USB memory stick out of his pocket. He handed it to her, and said, “ This shows what happens from the time of contact, and how they created it. How it's spread through the bite. With symptoms, until death. Then, the awakening. Remember, Ms. Fox. You have to puncture the brain. If you come into contact with any of them. Do not let them bite you. And, they have no mercy on children, either. Warn everyone that you know with children. Please...” She stared at him, in shock. Is he on drugs? She asked herself. She knew that the truth about this new outbreak was being kept from the public. But, a bite? Killing people, by piercing their brains? She swallowed. She picked up her glass of water, and gulped it down. She said, “I am going to speak about this on my show. If this information that you have given me is legitimate, I can't keep this from my viewers. It is too serious.” He asked, “ Have you been hearing more sirens than usual, Ms. Fox? Have you heard strange explosions in the early morning hours? Have you been paying attention to television reception? Getting as many channels in view, now?” She had not gotten as many channels into view, like before. Just that morning, she remembered pressing the scan button on the radio, only to hear static on half of the channels. She didn't know what to say. She was tongue-tied. He saw the shock on her face. She had also heard explosions in the night, and people screaming for help. And, more sirens, too. She had noticed that the screen on the television, more of the time, was blue. She had even noticed some popular hosts' disappearances from the limelight, all together. He continued, “The military has been targeting areas with infected for at least three months, now. If you have viewers left, please warn them. That is why I am giving this information to you, Ms. Fox.”
He stood up. Then continued, “ Now, they will do anything to keep the information, that is now in your hands, from getting out. Remember that. I am running late.” He turned and walked away. Rose was in total shock. She sat in a state of frozen-ness, for a long time. She didn't say anything to him, as she watched him leave. After a while, she took all of the documents and shoved them into her tote bag. She stood up, left money on the table, then rushed to the exit door. She made it to her car, and as she unlocked the door, she heard people screaming. She looked over her shoulder, as she climbed into her vehicle. She told herself, “ Keep it together, Rose. Call Keith and, look this up online.” She sat there for a moment. She needed to collect herself. After a few minutes, she started the car. She was contemplating whether or not to go any further with this story. It sounded too crazy. Once again, she had to give herself a talking to. She said, “ Get it together, Girl. Go home and look at what he gave you, first.” She started to drive off. When she looked into the rear view mirror, she saw a body laying on the ground. But, it was not just a body. It was Mr Tobias that lay on the ground. Some onlookers had gathered around him, and it looked like one of them were giving him CPR. She panicked, and sped around the corner. She felt like she could not breath. She pulled out her cell, and called her sister. There was no answer, just her voice mail. She said, “Dawn, call me back as soon as you get this message. I need to talk to you.” She made her way home. She called Keith. She heard his voicemail, too. “ Keith, call me.” She tossed her cell phone back into her bag. She sped all the way home. Later, while she was reading the documents, she plugged in the USB flash drive that Mr. Tobias had given her. She started to click through the files. There were also videos. She clicked on one named, “Biters”. In the video, she could see patients laying on hospital beds. They were strapped down, and were given shots. The doctors that could be seen in the video, stood around the patients, while jokingly-conversating. One doctor laughed, as he poked one of the patients. She cried, and begged him not to give her any shots. Another was elderly, and asleep. The doctors used a syringe to put a substance into an I. V. bag that was attached to an I.V. The I.V. led to a needle that was inserted and taped onto the arm of the elderly man. Some of the people were speaking another language. Rose listened to the doctors speak in the video. They were acting as though experimenting on these people against their will was a joke. Then, another doctor, a man that they referred to as Dr. Bijan, came into view. He started speaking at the camera. He described a scenario where his vaccine was supposed to supercharge the immune system. He stated, “ In previous attempts with the subjects, there was extensive nerve damage, similar to autism. So this damage to the nervous system will be controlled by the new and improved vaccine. We have had problems in the past with vaccines disrupting electrochemical messages throughout the central nervous system. We have found that, this vaccine carries the electrochemical messages, instead of disrupting them. We are aiming for a more aggressive result against viruses, especially, the new mutated viruses.” He then, proudly turned around to show view of the patient, who had already been given the formula. He said, “ This subject, was given the vaccine yesterday. She is now, comatose. This subject...” He pointed to another patient. “Was comatose. Then, died. The pulse stopped at 1:00 A.M. this morning. As the team was preparing the body, the dead patient opened his eyes. He attacked one of the nurses. The nurse suffered a bite to the face. She is being treated down the hall. We are trying to counter the animalistic nature of those that receive the vaccine.” In the video, Rose could see that the man was strapped to a bed. He had black circles under his eyes. His skin looked purple and gray. He looked terrible. He looked dead. He was snarling and growling.
Rose could hear the voice of the doctor narrating in the background. He said, “ This subject does not speak, does not want food, will not drink water. He attacks anyone who attempts to get near him. It appears that, the vaccine has lobotomized the subject. No other part of the cells within the body have regenerated. The Subject only tries to eat.... people. It is almost as if, the body is in a constant state of hunger, for raw flesh.... human flesh. ” Rose watched video after video of the same type of symptoms and behavior with every patient that had
been experimented on. Then, another video caught her eye. It was a video of the nurse that had appeared in one of the first videos. The nurse who had been bitten. She was still in her scrubs. Some of the first videos, the nurse looked healthy. The videos were dated at least a week before this one. In this video, the nurse was tied to a hospital bed. She was growling and snarling. She had leathery, purple-gray skin. If not for the scrubs, she looked like a whole different person. A dead person. Rose could not believe what she had been seeing. She knew that she had to merge the videos together. She had to list her talking points for a new broadcast on her Net channel. She fumbled wit her equipment. She felt nauseous, but had to keep going. She set everything up. She had to get the news out. She went on live on her social media channel. She started the video off by explaining what she had seen. She said, “ Hello, People. This is the Rose Fox Channel. I have Breaking News tonight, an urgent warning. Friends, please be wary of anyone that does not look right to you. I am going to show you some combined videos. These videos, are videos.... of well, victims of the medical cartel. People, please understand, I couldn't believe what I was seeing in these videos. It all started out, a few months ago. When I was on vacation, in Mexico. I saw a man fall from a bridge and die. It took the Authorities hours to get a coroner out and tape off the area. Now, this happened right outside of the villa that I had rented for the week. I watched the whole thing unfold. Then, periodically, throughout the day, I watched it re-unfold after hours. After the man's body had been pulled from the river. The Authorities lay his body on a gurney and covered him. They were about to put him inside a van, because he had been pronounced dead by officials. Before the crew could get him inside the vehicle, the man stood up, and he started attacking people. It took several bullets, the final shot.... to the head, to stop the man. This bothered me. Even after returning home and researching new stories. So, in my spare time, I started researching this dead person, reanimating. It led to news of other incidents. Which, led me to find the information that I am now, going to show you. First, I want to say; that, I do not know who the people in these videos are. I am not sure where they were shot. This information was given to me by someone inside the medical cartel. Someone, who told me that an epidemic was coming. That the safest place to be is away from populated areas. He said, that the government was going to “contain” the situation. People, I will be reporting more on this tomorrow. For now, this is what I have. I'll let you watch, and decide for yourselves what this is. But, I implore you, if you see people walking around, and they look like those in these videos, stay away from them. Anyone with children, keep them close. ” She played the videos for her audience. There were videos of people taking place in random acts of violence, in many different cities. Then, links popped up showing videos of crazy people attacking and biting others. Some of the videos, showed some people that had been partially eaten. The comment section of her social media channel lit up with people from all over. Her video and report were being shared everywhere. She decided that she would start to devote more time to look at these stories. Stories that mainstream media outlets were not covering. She took a shower, put on her pajamas and slid under the covers.
Rose felt good being back home in her Chicago apartment, behind locked doors. She felt that nervous feeling of doom that a person gets right before they get bad news. She knew that something was very wrong. She had felt it for months. She knew that this, whatever it really was, was not going to go away. She thought that she would call her Granny, tomorrow. She needed a visit with Granny out at the farm. She sure was dreading the long drive out to Indiana, though. Her phone buzzed. She picked it up and looked at the screen. It was a text message from her contact that had connected her to Mr. Tobias. The message read; It's worse than I thought. Get online, now. Check your messages. Get this out fast. Pandemic started. They can not stop it. She sat up and grabbed her laptop. She started to push buttons on the keyboard. She was typing like a crazy person. She looked at the screen. There were more videos. From every city, from inside and outside of the country. Some of the videos were live feed. Much of what she was seeing, was happening in real time. In every video, people were dying, or dead. Then, they would wake up and start attacking other people. It was like a bad movie. She found multiple videos that entailed people eating other people. In one video, a policeman was speaking about how to kill the cannibals. He said, “Shoot for the head. Pierce the head. It is the only way. Don't let them bite you. Keep your children inside. They have no mercy on them, either! People think that, when their loved one dies, then wakes up, they think that they are still that loved one. They are not. I know that, you all out there have already seen your neighbors disappearing. Went to the hospitals, and never came back. I know you have seen people fighting in traffic and more police shooting people down. Go to the Net. It is everywhere, now. Superiors gave us orders to keep this under wraps. Then, the military started killing citizens. Stay inside, People! The Government is not going to save you. ” She stopped the video. The man looked into the camera. She stared at his face, frozen on her computer screen. She sat on her bed, stunned. She thought about the last week or two. The sirens, a lot more than usual. The fights in the street. The news report that she had seen on the television, about the hospitals filling up. She rubbed her eyes. She started to type on her key board. She thought about her sister, nephew, niece, her Granny, and Keith. He had been with her for three years. He helped her with everything. She prepared talking points for her next video. She called Keith. “Hey. You busy?” On the other end, he said,” Nope. What are you doing? Did you meet that guy? Have you seen the web?” she answered, “Yes. I need to talk to you about that.” He replied, “ You want me to come over, now? Or, tomorrow?” She said, “ Kind of. I need to show you some video footage. See what you think.” He paused. He said, “ How bad is it? It can't be as bad as what is going on out there, right now.” She said, “ I have been online all night. You should see this.” He said, “ Sure. I 'll be there. I might crash on the couch. Okay?” She said, “ Sure. Use your key. ” Rose and Keith had dated, for a while. When things did not wok out, they remained friends. They were best friends. They helped each other out, with everything. Keith did a lot of filming for Rose. She trusted him. She blurted out, “ I posted what Mr. Tobias gave me. I think that they killed, Keith.” He said, “ I'll be there, in a while.” Rose said, “ Okay. Be careful, Keith.” The line went dead. Rose went back to her laptop. She wanted to list more talking points. She opened another screen. She typed in; The dead waking up. A page, filled with links to more stories, popped up on the screen. She heard the door close. From the living room, Keith yelled, “ Honey. I'm home.” She answered, “ In here.” He came into her room, and sat down next to her on the bed. She said, “ You have to see this. There is a lot to look at. Tell me what you think.” She handed him the laptop. He took it and placed it on his lap. He started to move the mouse. He clicked on one of the links. He glanced over at her.” I have been watching this stuff for weeks, Rose.” She said, “ Let me see it for a minute.” She held her hand out.
He gave the laptop back to her. She brought up the other screen with the file. She opened up one of the files, then handed the laptop back to Keith. He took it back and watched, wide eyed. He stared at the screen for a long time. She lay back against some pillows near the head board, and watched it with him. For a moment, she thought that she saw a glimpse of concern in his eyes. He paused the video for a few seconds. He looked down at her, and said, “ I think this one will take me awhile. Can I get some Lemonade, or something?” She said, “ Okay. Wanna sandwich?” He said, “Sure. Thanks, Babe.” She stood up, turned to look at him before walking out. She said, “You're welcome.” He winked at her, leaned back, then he started to play the video. While she was in the kitchen. He started to think about some of the things that he was hearing through the grapevine. Keith had been a free lance camera man for a long time. He had heard people talking about thing
s happening in places that they had traveled to for work. Many of them would not take anymore foreign gigs. They were afraid to leave the country. The rumors were that, people were getting sick. Other rumors were that, some saw the dead rising and attacking other people. Many disappeared. Many of them canceled, because they were sick. Never to return to work, again. There was talk of a nasty pandemic a month prior. A few days before, he had recorded the police shooting down a crazy old woman. They shot her, over and over, as she attacked people around her. He saw it with his own eyes. She did not stay down until she was shot through the head. Rose came back into the room with a plate of food, and a drink in her hands. She handed him his drink, the set his food down on the night stand next to him. He said, “ Thank you.” She walked around to the other side of the bed, and plopped down next to him. “You're welcome.” She watched him for awhile. She anticipated his thoughts on all of this. He ate and drank, while he watched the screen on the computer. She was trying to figure out if he was believing all of this. Keith was unique. He could look calm in a serious situation, but be screaming inside. She said, “ Well! What do you think?” He paused the video. He looked down at her. “Let me finish eating, first.” She said, “ Keith! Come on!” He started the video. He spoke to her, while starting at the video. “Rose. Do you remember the other day? When I told you about; how the cops surrounded some crazy lady and shot her?” Now, he had her attention. “Yes.” she said. He continued, “ Well, the scene that I saw, looked a lot like this. “ He pointed to her laptop. He said, “ If what they say here, is true.... and, if what I have been hearing through the grapevine is true, there has been a pandemic underway worldwide, for at least a month. I just didn't realize that it would be like this.” On the video, they watched a military General speaking in front of a crowd, of what looked like, world leaders. He was pointing to a map of the world. He laid out a plan to use military forces against the citizenry. Of course, each of these leaders would use military from their own countries, to surround and close off regional areas, by sector. They would kill anyone suspected of being a carrier. That is, in those places that still had military. When he spoke of America, he described a plan to start from the western part of the country, back over to the east. He stated that many parts of the military world wide, had already been wiped out. She blurted out, “ We have to keep warning people! You should call your Mother, in California.” He said, “ Yes. But, you do know that no one is going to believe us. Right? I will get a flight booked for my Mom.” She lay back, “ Yes. I know that. But, the people that do, may have a chance. I don't know if the videos will be enough.” she said, “ Are you going to tell Kelly?” He said, “ She is gone. But, I should leave a message for her. I don't think that, she'll believe me.” She asked, “ Why? I thought you two were doing good.” He answered, “ She didn't like some of my friends.”