Living Dead 2.0 Read online

Page 15


  She looked over at the computer. She turned to the digital clock sitting on her night stand. It read; 1:34 A.M. Now, she was wide awake. She lay there for a little while. She could not sleep Then, she turned back to the computer. It had gone into sleep mode. She thought about what she had seen, earlier. She thought about Marcus. She had a terrible feeling. She wanted to get Marcus home. He had been bitten. The doctors had him on antibiotics. Tomorrow, she would go to the hospital, and get her husband. She dozed off, with a terrible feeling in her gut. Six o'clock the next morning, Renee woke up and tiptoed out of the house before Chloe woke up. When she arrived at the hospital, she saw several military vehicles parked all around the hospital. She saw men with guns standing at the entrance to the parking lot. She had to drive around to the side, park on the street, and sneak through some trees. She hid in the bushes until the coast was clear, then enter a side door to the hospital to get inside. Once inside, she saw few doctors and a lot of military. She noticed that one doctor was standing by a door to one of the rooms. It sounded like he was arguing with a government man. As she passed by, she heard part of the argument. “ I am his Doctor! What is wrong with you?” The man blurted out,“I said, no one goes in, right now.” She walked by as fast as she could, so that, the soldier would not notice her. As she turned the corner, she saw her neighbor, Ellen. Ellen saw her and grabbed her by the arm. She pulled her to the corner. Looking panicked, she asked in a whisper, “ Renee, what are you doing here? Are you nuts? We are on lock down, right now.” She looked over her shoulder, to see if anyone as paying attention to them. Renee asked,” What is going on? Why is there a lock down? These are soldiers. Soldiers don't lock down hospitals.” Ellen said, “ I don't know. But, I don't like it. People are not acting right. They are....” She looked down at her feet. She looked spooked. “They are attacking people. Attacking anyone they see. It's like a bad movie, or something.” Renee grabbed Ellen by the shoulders. “ Tell me. I can handle it.” Ellen shook her head from side to side. “No. You can't.” She whispered. Renee felt a bolt of dread shoot through her. She said, “ Ellen, I have been online. I have seen the videos. Marcus is here. He was attacked and bitten. Does he have a chance to survive? Is it spreading? This... disease, or whatever it is.... If it is, how long? Just tell me the truth...please?”

  Ellen swallowed. She said, “ We are not sure where it started. Only that it spreads through the bite. It is like a real life zombie movie.” She sarcastically laughed, while her eyes teared up. “ A really bad one.” She paused, and looked Renee straight in the eye. She looked like she wanted to cry. “They are telling staff that no one is to leave. We are all looking for a way out. But, there are patients here. I overheard the men in the black get up talking about getting rid of bodies. One half of the hospital has been closed off to everyone, including staff. I think that they killed those people. There are still children here, except for newborns. They were all sent home, yesterday. Chief of Staff ordered it. He must have gotten a call, or something. Someone warned him that the government was coming. At first, there were soldiers. Then, otheres cvame in black looking combat. Some of them are not American. They seem to be telling some of the military what to do. Anyway, the Chief of Staff ordered all new moms sent home with their babies. He told us to make sure that they were sent with extra supplies. With orders that we could not take in anymore deliveries. Some of the staff … we were talking...we were trying to figure out a way to at least sneak the kids to safety. At least, until we could contact their parents. How did you get in, Renee? There is not much time. I am hiding you in a closet, and I will check on Marcus for you. If they catch you here, I don't know what they will do. ” Renee shook her head in agreement, “Thank you, Ellen. I came in thrcugh the side door.” Ellen said, “Huh?”


  Renee repeated, “ The west side door, where the trees are. I'll help you get the kids out. Just help me get Marcus.” Ellen hugged her. She said, “ Thank you.” She looked around to make sure that no one was watching. She led Renee to a supply closet. Once inside, she reached up on top of one of the shelves and pulled down a lab coat. She said, “ Here. Put this on. If anyone see's you, they will think that you are staff. Just pretend that you are looking for supplies if anyone sees you. There are mostly bandages and things in here, so if caught, make it look good. Tell them that, you are bringing bandages to the second floor surgery wing. Got it?” Renee held the lab coat in her hand, “ Yes. Second floor surgery.” Ellen said, “ If they ask your name, tell them that you are Dr. Larch. Dr. Larch didn't show, today. This is her lab coat.” She pointed to the lab coat. Ellen rushed out of the closet. Renee put on the lab coat and waited nervously for her neighbor. She looked around. She saw supplies of all kinds on one side of the large closet. On the other side, she saw shelves containing a cabinet with medicine. She opened the cabinet. She saw a variety of drugs and first aid items. She took a bag from a nearby shelf. She didn't feel right about stealing, but knew that Marcus would need antibiotics. She was not schooled on the end of the world, but knew that, people died after getting an infection in times of natural disaster. She took several bottles of drugs with the names ending in “cillin”. Anything that looked like it could be an antibiotic. As she examined the bottles, she saw some benadine on another shelf. She took two bottles, and shoved them into the bag. She took several packages of bandages and grabbed a box of silver ointment. As she crammed it all into the bag, she saw a door at the back of the closet. She tiptoed over to the door. She turned the door knob, just to see if it was unlocked. It was. She opened the door and turned on the light. It looked like another supply room. It was empty,except that, it led to an old exit that no one was using. Renee saw the old metal door, with the old “EXIT” sign hanging overhead. “That is probably sealed off.” She went to the door, and slowly opened it. She could see the back-corner side of the hospital, not far from where she had come in at. She couldn't wait to show Ellen.

  Renee went back into the main closet, and waited for her friend. Renee sat down in the corner. She leaned her head on the wall, and fell asleep. She awoke to Ellen standing over her. When she realized that Ellen was speaking to her, she stood up. She didn't know how long she had been out. Ellen had a gloomy look on her face. “Renee. ….” She paused. She looked down at her feet. Renee studied her for a minute. She asked, “ Ellen, where is Marcus? Did you find him? Ellen....” Ellen looked up at her. “Renee, Marcus was moved to the west wing. All bite victims are taken there. Renee, he is gone. I am so sorry that you found out this way.” Renee's face went white. “ Did see him> How do you know that? He could be in a room somewhere....” Ellen cut her off, “ Renee, they gave a lethal injection, then..He's gone, Renee. I am sorry.” Renee felt like she was dreaming. Ellen looked as though she was speaking in slow motion. Renee collapsed onto the floor. Ellen knelt down next to her. She hugged her. She said, “Renee, I am so sorry. I didn't know that he was even here. I am so sorry.” Ellen stood up, and started to rifle through supplies on the shelf. She took a blanket and placed it around Renee's shoulders. She found some kleenex. She opened the box and pulled a handful of tissues out, then handed them to Renee. Renee took the tissues. She looked around. She felt nothing but dread. She could not speak. She could not believe that this was happening. She thought about Chloe. How would she tell Chloe? She started to cry. She looked at Ellen, “ Are you sure? Is there anyway they could have him In a room somewhere? Are you sure that he is dead?” Ellen said, “After I heard that he was moved there, I called a friend who works at the desk. She saw his file. They, the soldiers, they.... before he could turn.” Renee started to cry, again.


  She said, “I need some time alone. Can I stay here a while? Then, I need to go tell Chloe.” Ellen said, “ Sure. But, Renee. They are getting more aggressive. And, some of the soldiers are starting to argue with them. There is a rift, there. We really need to get those kids out of here. I just found out that we only have two left. A couple of th
e staff helped some parents get a few out last night. We could not contact the parents of the last two children. We don't know if they are alive. But, we were going to try to take care of them, until we could figure out how to get them out of here. If I have to, I will take them home with me. Renee, are you going to be able to hold it together, just long enough to help me get the kids to safety? I am sorry to put you in this position, right now. I know that you need time to mourn.” Renee thought about her daughter. She had to tell her. She thought about how scared those two children must be, right now. She said, “ There is another exit behind that door. Of course, I'll help you.” She pointed in the direction of the door. Ellen said, “Yes, there is. Stay here, and take some time to calm down, a little. I, one of the doctors, and another nurse are going to sneak the kids here, in a while. We need some supplies for them. And, we need to get past the soldiers. We don't know if we can get to our cars.” Renee cut in, “ I have the Escape. I'll take you.” Ellen said, “ Yes. But we all need to get home. Our cars are down the street.” Renee said, “I can drive you. Mine is right outside and behind the trees. We just have to get to the trees.” There was some commotion outside in the hallway. Ellen blurted out,” Honey. Stay here. I will come back an check on you in a few minutes. Okay?”

  She ran outside. Renee heard what sounded like a fight. She heard some gunshots, and screams. She jumped up to her feet. She cracked open the door.

  She could not see everything that was happening. She saw people running past the closet door, through the crack. She had to fight not to cry out, as she held one hand over her mouth. She could feel her chest heaving up and down. It was like a bad movie. She saw a couple of people struggling. She heard yelling, gun shots, snarling, and growling. She saw a man dressed in black. He was pointing a gun at someone. He was in charge. He was yelling. “Stop! Get back!” Someone else yelled, “ Wait! Wait! Don't shoot!” Then, more shots rang out. There were more screams. Someone walked right past the door, she closed it in a hurry. She stood there, pressing her ear to the door to see if she could hear what they were saying. It sounded like a soldier. He was shouting orders. “ You! Get over there! Grab that one. Move the bodies into the west-wing. That's the disposal area.” When Renee heard that, she thought of Marcus. It felt like someone punched her in the gut. Then, she heard more orders. “Come on! We don't have all day. You! Get this cleaned up! Rooney, hurry up and take care of that one... before he turns.” She could hear a muffled female voice. It was Ellen. She was pleading with them to allow her to help someone. Renee could not hear everything.“Please...” Ellen said. “ Just let me try....” “Move!” Ordered the male voice. It sounded like he was walking away. Renee cracked open the door. She peeked out and looked around. She saw a man that was dressed in black clothing. He walked down the hall away from the closet. She opened the door a little more. She was so scared that, she caught herself panting out loud. Everyone was gone. There was blood spattered everywhere. She went back into the closet. She sat on a plastic container. She put her elbows on her knees, and held her head in her hands. She said, “Breathe.... think Renee.” She had to get home to Chloe. She didn't know how she would tell her about her father. She took her phone out of her purse. She swiped the screen. She sent a text message to Chloe.


  She wrote; Chloe, stay inside. Be home soon. I love you. Mom. All of the sudden, the door swung open. Ellen came in with a young boy and girl. The boy looked about twelve years old. And, the girl looked to be around five years old. The children were dressed in pajamas, but had socks and shoes on their feet. Both had a jacket on. They both looked afraid, and were quiet. Ellen, was in a panic. “Hurry. We need to get them out of here A.S.A.P. They are moving all remaining patients to the west wing. One of the Doctors has some other patients. He took them out the other side. Renee, we have to hurry. They are searching all rooms.” Renee looked back and forth between the two children. They looked terrified. She shook her head up and down and thought about her daughter. She thought; what if this was Chloe? She said, “Okay, Kids. We are taking you two home. Alright?'

  The boy said, yes. Come on Jasmine.” He continued, “ I am Noah. This is Jasmine.”

  Renee replied, “I am Renee. You know my neighbor, here, Ellen.” she pointed to Ellen. Ellen whispered, “ Okay Kids. We are going to sneak out to the cars, through the hospital grounds. We have to stay together and be quiet....Okay?” They both shook their heads up and down. Little Jasmine was reluctant. But, took Ellen's hand. All four of them, made their way to the back of the closet. They went to the old EXIT door in the back hall. Ellen opened the door and peeked through the crack. She said, “I can't see anyone. They must all be searching the hospital.” She motioned for them to follow her. They all tip-toed out through the door. They could hear distant gunshots. It sounded like they were in a war zone. Once outside, they walked towards the end of the building. There were some bushes that they had to climb through. As they made it to the bushes, Ellen said, “If we go through here, it's a straight shoot to the cars. And, the street.” Renee said, “ Okay, Kids. We are going to help you two get through first. Then Ellen, then me.. Okay? But we still have to be quiet.” Just then, they all heard a male voice. “Hey!” They all turned to see a large soldier standing there. “What are you doing out here?” Renee said, “Mister, Please.... we are just trying to get these kids home. They don't have this new thing. Please...” Ellen pled, “They are not bitten... I promise. You can check them. They came in for minor stuff a few days ago. Noah... Sprained his arm. And, little Jasmine, was stung by a bee and she is allergic. Please... They want their parents. They are not infected. Neither, are we.” She pointed to Renee. A look of instant guilt came over the man's face, when his eyes shifted from one child to the other. He said, “Go, now. Hurry. And lay low. The U. N. Peacekeepers are running around, everywhere. They will have no mercy on any of you, if they catch you. Even the children.” In sync with each other, Renee and Ellen blurted out, “Thank you.” Then, they disappeared in the bushes. The soldier watched them, and hoped that they would be alright. They ran to Renee's car. After she unlocked the doors, they all dived inside. Renee fumbled with her keys. She had to use both hands to steady her shaking. She finally, slid the key into the ignition. When she started her vehicle, she blurted out, “ Where is your car? Is it close?” Ellen said, “Over there.” She pointed down the street. But, her car was up into the parking area. Jasmine said, “ I want to go home. Can we call my Mommy, now?” Ellen said, “ In a few minutes, Sweetie. We have to get to my car. Okay?” Noah was quiet. Renee drove to the end of the entrance of the parking area. They were all looking for soldiers. Ellen got out of the car. She bent down and said, “Wait here with the kids and I will pull my car out. Just in case some more soldiers come out. If you see any pull down to the corner and I will meet you there.” Renee agreed, “Okay. Kids we are waiting here, for just a minute...”


  They both said nothing. They looked worried. Renee and the kids watched Ellen walk to her car. As she opened the car and sat inside, two men dressed in brown camouflage ran up to the car. Noah said, “They are going to get Ellen! Cover your eyes, Jasmine. We have to leave. Go ...Hurry!” Both children started yelling. Jasmine cried, “I want my Mommy!” Noah blurted out, “Go! Hurry! They will see us! Hurry, Renee!” Renee froze for a few seconds. They sat in the car, watched one of the soldiers pull out his gun, point it at Ellen, and shoot her. She immediately slumped over. Renee gasped, the children both started to cry. Renee slammed her foot down on the gas peddle. With tears welled up in her eyes, she drove down the street and around the corner as fast as she could. Jasmine was crying, “ I want my Mommy! I want my Mommy!” Renee tried to comfort the children. She said, “ It is going to be okay. I will get you both home. It's okay.” She was crying, too. The truth was, she didn't really think that they would make it home, now. Noah kept repeating, “ They shot her! They shot her. They shot her!” Renee watched him through the rear view mirror. He looked
like he was in a trance. He kept repeating himself. Renee tried to hide her tears. Her and Ellen had been neighbors for over ten years. She couldn't get the picture of them shooting her out of her head. She thought of Marcus. Had they done the same to him or had they given him something to make him go to sleep? She drove along the Main street. Up ahead, at the corner there was a small group of people walking around. They appeared to be stumbling and staggering. It looked like they were drunk. As she came closer to them, she realized that they looked like the crazies in the videos that she had watched. She remembered that the children were in the back seat of her car. “Kids, lock your doors.” She instinctively pushed the lock button, herself. She stopped the car in the middle of the street. Noah leaned forward, “ Go! It's the zombies! Owen told me to watch for them! Hurry!” She sat there, just staring at them. They were mindless, until another vehicle on the road passed them. After passing Renee's vehicle, the other car tried to swerve around the group. As soon as the mob saw the car, they all came towards it. They walked right into the path of the vehicle. Astounded by the sight, Renee was frozen. The boy yelled, “ Hurry! Go the other way ! They are going to come for us, next!” Renee watched, as two of them half stumbled, half lunged at the vehicle. Some of them walked into the side of the car, as the driver tried to swerve around them. The driver of the vehicle stopped, then the woman stood up. The others swarmed the car. Then, the driver took off and drove around the corner. Renee heard the car hit what sounded like another vehicle. “Look!” yelled Noah. He pointed in the direction of the corner. The man had gotten out of his car. He came running from the direction that he had turned in his car from. He crossed the street, and ran up the sidewalk. The zombies went stumbling after him. He disappeared between some buildings. Jasmine was crying in the back seat. Noah started to comfort Jasmine, again. “ It's okay, Jasmine. See, they are gone.” He was pointing towards the commotion. Jasmine wiped her eyes. “ Okay.” Renee pulled her phone out of her handbag, and sent a message to Chloe. It read; Stay home! I'll be there soon! Do not go out of the house. Now, Renee was even more terrified. But, she knew that if she was terrified, the children must be more terrified. She drove down Main street. She saw very few moving vehicles. She knew that she needed to keep it together. She needed to get these children home, then get back Chloe. She cleared her throat. “Okay Kids. We have to find your parents. Will you tell me where you live? Jasmine do you know your address? Noah?” Jasmine said, “ In my jacket. I think that it's 22...2201 Ridge Road.” The little girl was confused. She said, “ Um, 2122 Ridge Road. I am not sure. It's the blue house.”