Living Dead 2.0 Read online

Page 16


  Now, Renee was getting worried that she would not be able to find the girl's home. She tunred back to her. Then asked, “Can you tell me what kind of things are near your house? Like a park, or a school... Anything, like that.” The little girl's face lit up. “ Our church is right across the street.” Renee felt some hope come over her. Renee asked, “Can you remember the name of the church?” Jasmine said, “ Yes. It's Grace Baptist Church. That is the name.” The little girl looked proud, when she stated the name of the church. Renee knew of the church. She said, “ Okay, we'll go to where the church is. Do you think that you can show me your house, if we find the church?” Jasmine said, “ Yes.” Renee turned back around. Noah added, “ I can show you where I live. It's not far from here. 1540 Park Road. ” He was worried. Renee started to drive. She asked Noah, “ When is the last time that you heard from your parents, Noah ?” Noah said, “ Yesterday. My brother called me. Said that eh was waiting for my parents. Said that, he called the hospital and they refused to tell him when I would be released. He called me on my cell. A guy in black saw me with the cell, and took it away from me.” Renee said, “ I know that this is so scary for you two. I'll get you home. It will be okay.” Renee knew where the church was located. She went there first. As she drove by the church, Jasmine happily blurted out, “ There! There is my house! Right across the street!” Renee felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. Once they arrived, she turned the car off and turned to Noah. “ Wait here. Don't get out of the car, Noah. Please?” Noah, shook his head up and down. Renee stepped out of the car, walked around to Jasmine's door. She opened the door and helped the child out. She took her by the hand and led the child to the front door of the home. As she began to ring the doorbell, she heard a thump on the other side of the door. She looked down at the girl. She loudly said, “ Hello. Is anyone home?”

  Jasmine reached up and tried to open the door, which was locked.

  She heard another thump. This time, something was scratching on the door, too. She had a bad feeling that, the girls' parents were not alright. She looked down at the little girl. “Honey. Can you go wait in the car? I will go around to the back and see if your Mommy is back there. Okay?” Jasmine replied, “Please let me go. I want my Mommy. I'll show you the key. ”

  The girl looked like she would cry. Feeling guilty, Renee said, “Okay. But, I need you to stay back a little. Just until, I know if your Mom is home. Okay? Does anyone else live here with you and your Mom?” Jasmine replied, “ Yes. My Daddy. He works at night, though. He sleeps in the daytime.” Renee made her way to the back of the house. She followed the sidewalk around some bushes, then around the corner of the house. She stopped and bent down to tell Jasmine to let her knock on the door. And, as she started to speak, she saw a young woman in a window, just above them. The woman was knocking on the window. She raised it and stuck her head out. “Mommy!” said Jasmine. The woman looked tired and upset. She said, “ Stay there! Don't go to the door! Wait there.” It was a small window. It looked like she was leaning over and straining to hold herself in place. A big smile came over Jasmines' face. She said, “ Mommy! Mommy! What are you doing? Open the door. I want to come in.” She pointed to the back door while she focused on her mother in the window. She said, “Hi, Baby. Mommy will be out in a minute. Wait there, Baby. Okay?” “Mommy! Open the door! I want to come in!” The woman looked nervous. “No, Honey. I am coming out. Daddy is sick. We are going to go to Grandma's house. Okay? Wait for me to come out.” The nervous woman looked at Renee, who already knew what the problem was.


  She addressed Renee, “ Ma'am. Please wait there with my Daughter. My husband, he is not well, right now. I will come out. Okay?” Renee said, “ I understand.” She turned around to look behind her. Then, she disappeared from the window.

  All of the sudden, the back door flew open. Two large garbage bags flew out through the doorway, and onto the sidewalk. The woman came running outside. She slammed the door behind her. She had a duffel bag and a purse over her shoulder. She looked like she had not slept in days, and had been crying. There was a loud thump against the door. Something had hit it. She started to walk backwards, while still staring at the door with a terrified look on her face. She turned. Around. “Thank you, for bringing my daughter home. Are you from the hospital?” She was shaking and very jumpy. Renee was shocked, and knew that Jasmine's father terrified the woman.

  Renee answered, “ Um, no. There was a problem at the hospital. I..... I don't know where to begin.” She looked down, and remembered Marcus. She wanted to cry, but was too exhausted. She looked back up at the woman, who looked as exhausted as she was. “I am Renee. I just wanted to get your girl home. Please, be careful. Things are changing. It's dangerous out here, now. Do you have some way to get to your Mothers place?” The woman, who was already dragging the duffel and garbage bags into her SUV, said, “ Yes. I am sorry.” She brushed her messy hair out of her eyes. “I am Ava. Jasmine's Mother. I have been trying to get to the hospital to pick her up all day. I had a … delay.” She looked nervous. She swallowed. It was obvious that she was afraid to say anything. Renee stepped towards her. She whispered, “ Is he infected?” The woman at her. She wanted to cry. She shook her head up and down. She looked at her daughter. “Jasmine. Get in the car, Baby. I will be there in a minute.” The girl went to her mother's car. After she was out of earshot, Renee started to explain what had happened at the hospital. She said, “ You probably won't believe me. But, the hospital is on lock down. The military is there....They are killing everyone. They killed my husband. There is some new disease. If the person carrying it bites you, you turn into a monster. Marcus had ben attacked, and bitten. A good friend of mine, Ellen, died getting Jasmine and another boy out, just in time to save them.” Ava gasped, and covered her mouth with her hands. She said, “I believe you. Jasmine's Father. He was bitten coming home from work the other day. It made him sick. Then, I thought he fell asleep on the sofa. He just stopped breathing. I was trying to get an ambulance, and could not get through to anyone. All of the sudden, he get's up and chases me into the bedroom. I have been trying to get out all day. When you rang the door bell, it distracted him. Thank you. I need to get to my Mothers house. She is not answering the phone. I am worried about her.”

  Renee swallowed. She said, “ If she is infected, “ It will be dangerous for you and Jasmine. Do you have pen and paper?”

  The woman took some pen and paper out of her purse, then handed it to Renee. Renee took it and wrote something down. She said, “ If you think you are in danger there, this is my address. Be careful. I have been seeing those things everywhere. They seem to move in groups. And, some video's that watched on the net, they advise people to shoot them in the head. They say that, it's the only way that you can stop them. And, they are attracted to lights, noise, and movement.” The woman took it. She said, “Thank you.”


  Renee said, “ I have to try to get Noah home, now. Please, remember what I said.” She said, “Good-bye, Renee. Thank you.” Renee answered, “You're welcome. Stay safe.” She walked to the SUV, tapped the window. She said, “ Good-bye Jasmine.” The little girl waived to her through the window. “Bye, Renee.” Renee turned and walked to her car. When she passed the front of the home, a zombie slammed into the picture window. Renee cringed, but kept walking to the car. She got into her vehicle, where Noah had moved to the front seat, and drove off. In the rear view mirror, she could see Ava backing out of her driveway. Then, driving away. She loudly, exhaled. She was relieved that Jasmine had made it back to her mother, but worried about Noah not being with his, yet. She said, “ Noah, show me where to go.” Noah asked, “ Did you see him in the window?” He was looking at her. She said, “Yes. Yes, I saw him. I was hoping that you had not. I know that this is terribly scary for you.” He continued, “ Owen told me about them. He'll know what to do.”

  “Who is Owen? Is he your brother?” she asked. S
he felt a sense of dread going to Noah's house. What if no one was there for him? What if his family was sick, too? Noah said, “ Yep.” They drove a bit. Then, Noah pointed to a street. He said, “ Turn there. My house is around the corner. See Owen on the porch? He is my brother, right there. To the right.” She went to where he pointed. She could see a young man standing on the porch. When they arrived at the house, the young man came down the steps. He was holding a gun. He slowly, moved, while he peered into Renee's vehicle. He was suspicious, until he recognized his brother. Noah continued, “ That's Owen. He is my brother. Don't worry, he won't shoot you. He has been watching for the zombies for weeks, now.” He jumped out of the car. “Owen. It's me!” He ran to his brother. His brother shoved the gun in his waist. Renee stepped out of the car. She walked over to the bottom of the steps. The young man looked at Noah in amazement. “ Noah, Buddy! Oh man!” Noah blurted out, “Owen. You were right. They are zombies. Some soldiers took over the hospital. Where's Mom and Dad? Anyway, Renee and the nurse helped us. They shot Ellen, Owen. You were right.”

  Owen exchanged a look with Renee. Renee introduced herself. “I am Renee. I just wanted to get Noah here, back home.” She was exhausted, and still, did not know how she was going to tell her daughter about her husband. Owen said, “ I am Owen Russel. Noah's brother. What happened? How did you meet Noah? Who got shot?” Renee tried to recount all of it. She looked like she wanted to cry. She said, “ I was going to pick my husband up.” She had to compose herself. “He didn't make it.” Owen looked at Noah. He said, “ I am sorry.” She continued, “Everything is crazy. Soldiers killing people at the hospital. It's crazy.” She said, “I have to get back to my daughter. I wanted to make sure Noah got home, alright. You two really should not go out.” Owen saw the look of hopelessness on her face. Owen said, “ I know what is going on. Well, not really. But, I know it's bad. I have been waiting for my parents to bring Noah home from the hospital for two days, now. I don't know which way they drove. I went there and could not get in. I saw the car there. But, a guy dressed black paramilitary gear told me that they were not there. I called the police... nothing. I went down to the police station. Military were there. And, they refused to help. I went driving around the area, just to try to see if anyone knew what was up. Everyone that would talk to me had the same story. Relatives disappearing. People getting sick, going to the hospital and not coming home. Now, you are here.” Noah looked like he wanted to cry. “You mean, Mom and Dad went to the hospital to get me? ” His eyes teared up. He started to cry. Renee said, “Noah. I am sorry about all of this, Honey.” He hugged her, then ran into the house. Her heart went out to the boy.


  Owen didn't know what to say. Renee saw the shock and sadness on his face. He was in shock. Renee said, “Owen. I know that you don't know me, but they are executing people at the hospital. Noah, knows that. He saw them shoot down the nurse, my neighbor, who was sneaking him and another little girl out. They killed my husband, too. That's why I was there, to pick him up. I was able to sneak into the hospital, and Renee saw me and hid me in a supply closet. We took Noah and another child, Jasmine out through the back. A soldier caught us, and let us go. I am so sorry. I hope your parents make it home. But, if they were inside that place...I don't know if they can get out.”

  Owen looked like he had just gotten hit with a brick. He did not know what to say. He said, “ I need to talk to Noah. Thank you for bringing him home.” Renee extended the same offer to him as she did to Ava. She said, “Here is my address. I was going to give this to Noah, but he ran from the car so fast that I didn't have the chance. If things get too dangerous for you two, and your parents, well, if they don't come back. You can come to my place. I have a feeling that soon, there will be safety only in numbers.” Owen took the piece of paper. He looked down at it, then back up at her. She turned around, and walked back to her car. She left, and as soon as she got out of Owens' view, she started to cry, uncontrollably. She looked around. The streets were almost bare. No one walking on the sidewalks. No one driving around, going about their business. It was starting to look like a ghost town. She decided to go into the other side of town. She wanted time to think. She didn't know how to tell Chloe about her Dad, but needed to get to her. She came to a stop sign and pulled out her phone. She sent a message to Chloe; Stay home. I will be there in a while.

  Chloe responded; Was going to go get my nails done.

  Renee; NO! NOT SAFE! STAY HOME. I'M ON MY WAY! A minute later, the phone buzzed. Renee answered, it was Chloe. “Mom. I won't be gone long.” Renee, “No! It's not safe out here. Everything is falling apart. I have to talk to you. It's important. Stay there.” Chloe said, “ Okay. I know things have been weird. But you know Kendra and I go every week. She should be here soon. She is running late.” Renee said, “ She is not coming, Chloe. I need to check something out, then I am coming home. We need talk. And, lock the doors. I mean it, Chloe!”

  Chloe said, “ Okay, Mom.” She hung up. Renee put the phone back into her purse. She wanted to see if the other side of town was as dead. That's where the truck stops were, and the exits on and off of the interstate. There were always people there. When she made it to the Crossroads Truck Stop, she saw cars and military vehicles parked all over the parking lot. The usual semi-tracter-trailer trucks were parked in the back, in their own section. But, no people. Up ahead, at an intersection, she could see that there were more military trucks, and black S.U.V.'s. But, these vehicles were parked across the intersection.

  They were positioned, so that no one could get around them. She allowed the vehicle to idle past the truck stop. She scanned the eerie scene. She saw, not one person. She got chills. She turned into the parking lot. She slowly, rolled the car up and down the isles. She reached up and pushed the “lock button” on her door. She looked between the parked vehicles, for any sign of life. She came to the end on of the isle, and decided to turn around. As she did her U-turn, she saw a flicker of movement out of the corner of her eye. She sped up, just a little. When she came to the place where she thought that she saw the movement, she saw a dog. The animal had a leash attached to her collar. The Husky sat there, looking at her, as she sat inside her car.


  She thought it odd, that the dog did not bark at her. She rolled her window down. She said, “ Hi, Dog. What are you doing here, all alone?” The dog looked around, nervously.” The animal took two steps towards her car. Then, stopped, sat down, and looked around. She clearly, did not know what to do. Renee stepped out of her car. Before walking away front the safety of her vehicle, she looked over her shoulder. She held her hand out to allow the dog to smell her it. She took a few steps closer, and bent down. Then said, “ Do you want to come with me?” She lifted her arm a little higher, so that the animal could sniff her hand. The dog came up to her sniffed her and lay down at her feet. Renee asked,” Where is your owner, huh?” The dog looked up at her and licked her hand. Renee pet her on the head. She stood up and looked around. The animals' owner had to be here, somewhere. She stared down at the dog. She said, “ I will have to post fliers with your picture on it. Have to get you back home. So. Do you want to come to my place, until then?” She led the animal to her vehicle, and opened her back door. The dog eagerly jumped up into the car. She closed the door, stepped into the car, and drove off. She could feel the goosebumps on her arms come up. The dog jumped into the front seat, and lay her head onto Renee's lap. When she did, Renee could feel that she was shaking. “So. What should I call you?” She made it to her house and pulled into the driveway. She went into the house with her new friend. Chloe was sitting at the dining room table. She looked around for a minute. She asked, “Where's Dad? Whose dog is that?” Renee looked terrible. She said, “I found her. Her name is, Gypsy. Chloe, I have something to tell you.” Chloe already knew things were bad. She knew what was going on around the city. She knew her Dad was bitten. She knew what had happened by watching the videos online. She remembered Justin. The
way he looked. Her mother was trying to get it out, but could not. The look of distress on her face, gave it all away. She said, “ Honey.... Your Dad. He was sicker than they thought... Honey...” Chloe cried, “Mom, where is Dad?” Renee said, “ I'm sorry, Baby. I couldn't get to him in time. He didn't make it.” Chloe started to cry. Her mother hugged her. “ I am sorry. We will get through this.” Chloe stepped back. She said, “ Mom. I know that it was that bite. Mom. Everything is changing. I am scared, really scared. Don't you see what is happening out here in the neighborhood?” Renee said, “ Yes. I am starting to see it. We have to stick together. I will figure a way to get us to Grandma's house. Okay?” Chloe walked into the family room. Her mother followed her. Gypsy followed them both. The dog lay under Renee's feet, as they both sat down on the sofa. Renee put her arm around her daughters' shoulder. She hugged her. “I'm sorry, Chloe.” Chloe cried some more. She lay her head onto her mothers' shoulder. She said,“ It was the bite. I know that it was. What are we going to do, now?” Renee said, “ We have to be careful. You are right about one thing, it is different. Those things are not people, anymore. Your video's were right on. No one is out. No one is driving. No kids playing outside. Those things, they travel in mobs. I brought two kids home, today. Chloe, you have to look at me. ” She turned towards her daughter. She continued, “I don't want you to panic. I want you to stay home and take me seriously. What I saw today, I never would have thought was possible. Gypsy here, was standing alone attached to her leash, no one in sight. The things that I saw, they were attacking people...” She stopped and took in a deep breath. She did not know how she would explain how serious this was to her daughter. Could Chloe handle the truth? she thought. Chloe became impatient. “Mom! What? You saw them attack someone? Mom. Did they chase you? Mom! Are you alright? Did you get to see Dad, at all?” she blurted out.