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Living Dead 2.0 Page 5


  When she placed Keith's food in front of him, he said, “ Thank you.” She said, “ You are welcome.” She sat down. She was visibly aggravated. She wanted to cry. She said,“ We need to talk about the videos. What I saw yesterday, it was bad. Like in the videos, the infected acted like mindless animals. It will only be a matter of time, before it spreads all over.” She looked into his eyes. “This is not going away, anytime soon. I think that you and I should pack everything that we can carry to bring with us. Even if...if, you want to leave, later. You and your Mom can stay for as long as you both wish.” He ate his breakfast, as he listened to her speak. She looked serious. He knew that what was happening was bad. “He said, “Okay. For now, we will take it one day at a time. There is something else.” She replied, “ Okay. What else?” He said,” I got us an interview for the show. It's about all of this epidemic stuff.” She did not try to hide her anxiousness, “Who is it? Why didn't you tell me last night?” He said, “ It was just confirmed this morning. We have two hours to set up. I got him to meet us here. I think that this will be our last interview, though.” She leaned forward, and kissed him on the cheek. She said, “Thank you. You always come through for me.” Keith was in love with Rose, and had always stuck by her. They were best friends. And he had waited for her to notice it for a long time. He said, “You are welcome, Rose.” Rose noticed the look on his face. He was not acting as worried as she was. Was it his anticipation to leave after all of this craziness? She sat back. She said, “ Keith, we will get through this. And, we will figure it out. Please, promise me you won't just up and leave on me?” He said, “ Rose. I promise.” With that being said, he stood up and went to the sink, washed his dishes, then walked out of the kitchen. He yelled from the hallway, “ We have to get set up.” She replied“ Okay.” She speed- cleaned the kitchen, and started to set up for the interview. She thought about Keith leaving. She loved Keith and didn't want him to leave. But, she could not force him to stay. Keith came out of the bedroom and started to set up the cameras and microphones. Rose said, “ Keith, I have been thinking. I have been selfish. I will accept whatever you decide. I want you here with me. You are my best friend. But, I will respect what ever you want to do. I think that we should stay together, until we know what and where is the safest place to be.” He agreed, “ Okay. We talk about it in a few days, then.” She smiled. Then, headed towards the shower. She continued, “ I need to get ready.” After she took a shower, she helped Keith finish setting up. She said, “ So, tell me about this guest. Who is he and what does he know? Or, what do you think he knows?” He said, “ He is supposed to know everything about the military and their part in quarantining people. His name is Colonel Chen. He was a Doctor, too.” She replied, “ Do you think that he is involved in spreading this?” He said, “ I can't say that. But, he is knee deep in it. And, he feels like it is safe enough to share info. Or, that his Superiors are not in a position to take him out for doing it. Better make this one count. I don't think we are going to get this chance, again.” She said, “Okay.” Then, she started to prepare her questions. Keith started moving things around . She paused from what she was doing, looked up at Keith, and asked, “Keith, what did you mean, before? When you were talking about me accepting what you want? What were you talking about?” She kept looking at her paper. He said “ I think you know what I meant, Rose.” She said, “No, I do not. Tell me.” He replied, “ You. I mean all of you. I want you to be fully committed to me. Not just the part that is convenient for you, or your contacts, at the time. If I can't have you. Fine. But, I am moving on. I am not waiting any longer. I will move on.” She was dumbfounded, again. She thought Keith wanted to remain friends.


  She watched him go from one short lived relationship to another for a long time, now. She loved Keith. But, was afraid he could not stay faithful to her. “Keith... Are you accusing me of using you? You change girlfriends, like you change socks. Can you stay with me and not get bored? Like before. You should think about that, before you lay total commitment on, only me.” She slammed her notebook down on the coffee table in front of her, and marched into the bedroom. He followed her. He argued, “ I changed my mind... like, a month later. You are not going to put this all on me!” she said, “ Yes, I am! Did you hear what you just said? Like, a month later.” He turned around, and walked back to his equipment. He could not argue against that point. She sat on her bed, sulking. She heard the buzzer. Her interview had arrived. Keith went to the door, opened it, and greeted the Colonel. He led the man to the living room area. He motioned for the Colonel to sit in a chair that he had set up in front of the cameras. He said, “ Thank you, Colonel, for agreeing to do this. Please sit down. Rose is almost ready. Can I get you some coffee, or something to drink?” The Colonel answered, “ Maybe, some tea. If you have it. Thank you.” Rose stepped out of her room. She walked over to the Colonel, extended her hand, and said, “ Hello. I am Rose. Nice to meet you. Thank you, for coming. “ He stood up, and shook her hand. He replied, “I am Colonel Chen. And, you are welcome. But, you may not feel the same after this interview.” Rose looked down at her shoes. Just then, Keith walked into the room with a cup of tea in one hand, and a small tray with condiments in the other hand. He set the tray down onto the coffee table, and handed the cup of tea to the Colonel. The man accepted the cup. He said, “ Thank you.” Keith said, “ You are welcome, Sir. So, you have met Rose, I see. I am Keith. Why don't sit down, and get comfortable? Enjoy your tea for a few minutes, if you like.” The Colonel said, “ Thank you, Keith. We can start the interview, if you don't mind me sipping.” Keith said, “ Of course.” He went over to the cameras, and turned everything on. He asked Rose, “ Rose, are you ready?” Rose replied, “If the Colonel is.” She looked at the Colonel, looking to get his approval. He looked at her, and shook his head up and down. He said, “ Let's get this show on the road. Shall we?” She asked, “ Can I ask about anything? I prepared some questions.” He cut in, “Yes. Soon, there will be no denying what I am going to share, anyway.” Rose and Keith looked at each other. She hesitated. Then said, “ Alright, then.” She sat down in her chair, and looked the camera. She watched Keith from the back ground holding his fingers up in the air, as if to count down to her. He pointed towards her. She started to speak. “ Hello, this is The Rose Fox Show. Today, I have Colonel, Lee Chen with me, to discuss this new pandemic every one is hearing about.” She turned to Col. Chen, and said, “ Thank you, for being here today, Colonel Chen.” He replied, “ Thank you, Rose.” She nodded. “You are welcome, Sir. Let's get started. How long have you known about the pandemic? Tell me how you came to be involved in the knowledge you have, now.” The Colonel, took in a deep breath. He looked at Rose. “ Well, Rose. I was overseeing a Department within Government that, was researching and monitoring biochemical weapons and attacks. Some of the protocols set up, were to allow the medical realm to incorporate bacteria and viruses for experimentation.” She asked, “What kind of experimentation?” He said, “ Biochemical weaponry. Mostly, for use in war.” She repeated, “ War? You mean, wiping out whole cities of people.... with poison?” He said, “ Basically. However, we were ordered to allow foreign scientists in from the middles east. Before we could stabilize and create a vaccine for one of our most aggressive forms of infection, one of them created a mix of a super-mutated bacterial bio-mass. He used it on the lab staff, and residents. Then, he stole the supply.”


  She cut in, “ He stole the supply? Did you find him, and the supply?” He replied, “ Yes. Our people found him, back in Jordan. He, and everyone there, had been exposed. “ She gasped, “ The part that they had just quarantined, and closed off?” The Colonel answered, “ Yes. “ Rose was trying to suppress her panic. She asked him,” Is there a way to stop this?” He said, “ Not at this time. The military and government, what is left of them, are trying to locate and contain the pandemic, by region.” Rose asked, “ What if they cannot contain it? T
hen what? What is the way to contain it?” He answered, “ There is no way to really contain “it”. Only, through quarantines and enclosure.” “Enclosure? What does that mean, Col. Chen? How long before this spreads throughout the country, at an uncontrollable level?” “Rose,” he said. “ The infected die, once bitten. Once people are infected, the infection itself, spreads like venom. It is a two-tiered pathogen. One part, empowers the nervous system. The other is a deadly bacterial infection. It is the bacterial infection that kills, much like an infection.... on steroids. Once it attaches itself to the nervous system, and as the bacterial part kills the body, the neuro-pathogen causes the CNS to hold energy and circulate it within the brain area. It holds an array of constant of energy circulation, and causes it to move through the nervous system, itself. After death.” She was shocked, again. “That is why they wake back up?” she blurted her comment/question out, before she realized that she was speaking. He said, “ Yes.” She continued, “But, why are they trying to eat people?” He said, “ We are not sure why. We do not know what Dr. Sharrif did to alter the pathogen. He transferred it to other doctors, later in the game. One team was traced to Iran.” She continued, “So, are they going to warn the public? The Government.... Are they going to try to help the public? And, what about the schools? What about children in the schools?” He said, “ That is why I am here. They are only surrounding, containing, and and issuing quarantines within cities and regions. If you start to see military, active military within your community, get out quietly... and fast. Because, if military personnel is seen en masse, they are already closing off the place. Do not wait. And, most importantly, do not try to negotiate with these people. They are there for one reason, and one reason, only. They will shoot to kill. Do not approach any people you see walking slowly or that look sickly. It is an infected, or one who has turned. The best place, right now, is out of any big city. Some cities have already been closed down. Permanently. “ Rose was trying to focus. She sat there and stared at him. Again, in shock. She looked down at the list of questions that she had Written. One of them stood out to her. Is the Government in America still functioning? Or, has it been taken over by outside forces. Who is really responsible? She spoke, “Is the Government still functioning? I mean, elected officials? Police departments, etc.? And, have the hospitals been notified of this? I mean, don't the hospitals need to know what they are up against? In case one of these infected people are brought into their emergency room?” He answered, “Most of the city hospitals were notified. The last I heard, was that communications were interrupted before they could all be contacted. There is a network throughout the medical world. They were trying to get the word out to their people. But, I am unaware of who was contacted before we lost control of this. And, military contacted some the law enforcement agencies, as well. Ms. Fox, most of the 3rd world is already gone. It spread like wild fire throughout those places. Their governments didn't even care in some of those places. We have lost communications with most of the foreign officials, overseas. Our people, what's left of them, were called home months ago. I do believe that this is how the information came through your friend.”


  Rose glanced over at Keith. All that she felt, was dread. She could not think. She felt like she was in another realm. She repeated her questions, out of desperation. “ So, Colonel Chen...What is the most important thing that, people should know, in order to be able to protect themselves from this? Is there anything they can do to protect themselves and their families?” Rose swallowed hard. She continued, ”What do they need to know about those who are sick... Like, symptoms, etc.?” The Colonel answered Rose, “ Remember, the infected, they are not people, anymore. They are dead. And, they travel in groups. We have no cure. You have to pierce the brain. A gunshot to the head, temple, or eye area. It disrupts the electrochemical current within the nervous system, and prevents it from moving through the brain stem. Do not allow them to bite you! I am sorry Rose Fox. But, this is the only way, now.” She responded, “Well, thank you Colonel Chen for coming here, today. Thank you for sharing all of this.” The Colonel said, “ Thank you, for attempting to warn people.” Keith stopped recording. He said, “Colonel, is there really no way to stop this? To protect ourselves from getting sick?” The Colonel said, “ Avoid getting bit. They tend to travel in packs. They follow sound and light. They don't think. They are like, well... mindless zombies. But, make no mistake, they are dangerous.” He stood up and said, “ I am late. Thank you for your hospitality.” He shook both of their hands. He turned and walked to the door. Keith and Rose opened the door and let him out. The Colonel turned and said, “ Oh and, I don't know if they will send someone to stop you from talking about this. So, watch your backs. I need to leave, now.” Keith and Rose exchanged a long, fearful-glance. He turned and walked down the hallway. Keith closed the door. They both, were in shock for a long time before either spoke. Keith uploaded the video, and they sat and watched it, together. Keith said, “ You are right. We will stay together. No matter what. We get to your Granny's. We check out the rural areas. Maybe, we can find like-minded people. Either way, It's safer to be together.” Rose could tell that Keith was equally spooked, now. He was not the type to allow fear to guide him. He was serious, but laid back. Now, he had a different demeanor. One of survival. Keith packed his equipment up. They planned their trip to Granny's place. Keith said, “ If we see a place that looks safe, we stop and get some supplies. If not, we'll have to wing it.” Rose started to respond, when they heard screaming coming from outside. They ran to the window. Below, they could see a woman being mauled by two people. One of them looked like a young girl, the other, a man. Some onlookers ran to help the woman. Just to be attacked, as well. A police car came speeding up the street. The car came to a screeching halt. A large policeman exited the vehicle, as he spoke into his shoulder. He pointed a taser at the attackers. He ordered them to stop. They ignored him. He shot the man with the taser. The man turned to him and, feeling no pian, staggered towards the policeman. The policeman pulled his gun from his holster. He shot the man. The man still stumbled towards him. Another police car rolled up. Another officer jumped from his vehicle, yelling orders. He immediately, pulled his firearm out and shot the man, who had just attacked the first policeman. He shot him in the head. The man fell to the ground. Now, the girl was coming for the second policeman. He shot her between the eyes. She fell to the ground. The injured parties started to rally around each other and console each other. It looked like, the officer called for help. Keith stared outside, intently. “We leave, tomorrow. I'll drive back up here Saturday, to pick up Mom. Are you sure that Granny is okay with this?” Rose said, “ Yes.” They closed the blinds, as though it would change what was happening. They decided to get things ready. After they decided which equipment to bring, Rose made something to eat. She brought them both a plate of food, complete with a couple of cold beers, into the living room. She placed the food and drinks on the coffee table. They ate, in silence. Rose stared at the closed blinds.