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Living Dead 2.0 Page 6


  Keith picked up the beer and chugged it. Rose could see that he was as afraid as she was. She said, “Keith, we need a plan. We need to talk about this.” He cut in, “I know. I didn't think it was this bad.” He took another drink. As he finished it, he went into the kitchen. A minute later, he came back with another beer in his hand. He sat back down, and began to eat. He continued,” We'll hit the road, and find supplies. Does your Granny have any cameras around her place?” Rose turned towards him. “Keith, look at me...Please?” He he stopped eating, wiped his mouth with one of the paper towels that Rose had carried in for them. He turned to her, and hugged her. Rose buried her head into Keith's chest. He held her for a long time. He said, “ My Mom is out there alone, Rose. I'll feel better when I get her off of the plane, and we get her out to safety.” She said, “ Keith, you are right. We should look for some supplies when we get out of the city. I might know a place to get some things that we don't have at Granny's. And, no, she does not have cameras put up. But, I'll ask her about that. It's a good idea. I am going to upload regular updates on the channel. People need to know what is really happening. We should get some two way radios, too.” He said, “ Okay. We bring what we can carry, and we get it done.” He held her face in his hands. Her eyes to met with his. He said, “ It's going to be okay. We'll warn as many as we can. Alright?” Rose and Keith finished eating. They made ready more content to post on the channel. This was the information given to Rose by Mr. Tobias. Then, Rose spoke to her viewers. She sat in front of the camera, while Keith recorded. “ To those able to see this video, please take this seriously. Do what you have to do, to protect yourselves. Everyone needs to know what is happening, before it spreads too far. I'll post any other updates, as long as I am able. God Bless....” They uploaded the video to Rose's channel. They finished getting everything ready to get on the road. They packed pictures, equipment, and clothes into Keith's Suburban. They went to bed and made it up early in the morning. Before heading to the Interstate, they went to Keith's place. He packed some of his stuff. As they loaded his things into the vehicle, Keith saw his neighbor outside. It looked like, Terrence. He would warn him. Keith said, “ Hey, Terrence.” Terrence turned around, as Keith focused on the man, he could see that he was staggering up the side walk. His face looked terribly, distorted. As soon as Keith saw his face, he knew that Terrence had turned. The neighbor staggered towards him, while snarling. He looked like he had been stabbed. His eyes were dark gray. His skin, once the skin of a man of African descent, was gray. It looked like he was bloated, like he had been stung by a hundred bees. He moved slowly. He reached up to Keith. Rose walked around to her door. When she opened it, she turned to look at Keith. She saw the creepy, zombie-man out of the corner of her eyes. Rose started screaming, “ Keith! Get into the truck. He is one of them! Keith! Hurry!” She climbed onto her seat,as she watched through the open back hatch. She continued to scream, “ Keith! Come on!” Keith shoved the last bag into the vehicle. He slammed the hatch door shut, and ran to the drivers side door. The man staggered into a lunge, he almost grabbed Keith. Rose kept yelling, “Get in! Hurry!” Keith opened the drivers side door, and jumped into the suburban as fast as he could. He slammed the door shut. Terrence slammed his face into the window. Keith stared at him. He was both shocked, and terrified at the sight of his former friend. Rose sat in the front seat, still yelling, “ Keith, Go! Hurry!” Keith started up the vehicle, and took off as fast as he could. The zombie neighbor tried to follow them. Slowly, staggering in their direction. Keith could see him in the rear view mirror reaching out to them, in the middle of the street. He drove towards the interstate. He took out his phone and called his Mother. “Mom! I am going to try to get you a faster flight out here. Stay in the house, until it is time for you to get on the plane.


  I'll call you, as soon I know which flight. Remember what I told you about the crazy people. Don't go near them, Mom.... If you see anyone outside your door, ignore them. Don't let them get close enough to bite you. Lock your doors and windows. Mom. Call me when you get this. Message.” He was speeding as fast as he could to get onto the interstate. Rose, started yelling, “ Slow down, Keith! You are driving too fast. Do you want me to drive? ” He said, “ No. I just have to process all of this. Just, let me think for a minute.” He was driving around seventy miles per hour. There was just one other car moving on the Interstate. He blurted out, “ Rose. Do you see this?” She asked, “ What? See what?” He yelled, “ Look at the road, Rose! There is no traffic. One car, Rose.” There were a few cars driving the opposite direction. She pointed to them, “ Look. There are some.” He let out a long, breath of air. “Did you see Terrence's face?” She looked out through the window. She said nothing. After a while, she said, “I'm sorry, Keith. I know he was your friend. We have to warn people, Keith. This is really bad.” He said, “ You are right, Rose. We have to warn as many people as we can. You are the way. You have a lot of followers on your channel. You have to be online as long as you can, to keep people posted.” She felt that sense of dread that you feel when you get the news of death. She said, “ I can't do it without you, Keith.” He looked at her. For a split second, it felt like old times. He said, “ I know. But, I have to get my Mom.” Rose responded, “ I have a contact out west. I will get him online, and see if he can help us get your Mom here faster. Or, at least, give us some news about her.” He said, “ Thank you. I have to find a place for us to stay, in case Granny does not want us to stay too long. We can't go back to the city... ever.” she answered, “ Granny knows that this is bad. You and your Mom are good.” As they came closer to Granny's place, they stopped at a gas station. There was a Cafe attached. There was a small laundromat to the side, for people who were traveling and needed to wash their clothes. Keith pulled up to the pump. He said, “Do you want anything?” She said, “Sure. Something to drink, and something sweet. Thanks. I am going to go to the bathroom. Okay?” He said, “ Me, too. First, gas and munchies. And, hurry. We need to get going as fast as we can. ” They both exited the vehicle, and went inside. Rose headed for the bathroom. Keith gathered junk food and drinks for them both. He grabbed some cold water, too. As he waited in line to pay for the merchandise, he heard a man speaking on the television. The man said, “ And, a new flu breakout in Hammond today, has Doctors and staff in emergency rooms all over the city reeling. If you are not feeling good, or know someone who is sick. Call 888- gov-help. There will be someone there twenty-four hours, seven days a week to answer your questions about the virus. If you know anyone with a bad case of the flu, you can call and the staff will send help to transport them to a center fully staffed with professionals, who are trained to deal with this new aggressive flu. And, in other news today, police had to shoot a man who attacked a woman taking a walk in her Lincoln Park neighborhood. The officers ordered the man to stop. He tried to attack them before they opened fire... And.... ” The lady in front of Keith took her bag and walked away from the counter. The clerk cleared his throat, and said,” Uh, Sir... your turn.” Keith's attention shifted to the clerk. He took a step forward. “Sorry. Thirty dollars on pump four, too.” The clerk rang up the gas and items. Keith paid, and said, “ Thanks.” He turned and walked away, with bags in his hand. He went to the vehicle and placed the snacks inside. He pumped the gas, and went back inside to use the bathroom. After he was finished, he heard yelling from outside. He grabbed a paper towel and ran out into the store area.


  He looked around. He could not see Rose. He peered through the window. Outside, he could see what looked like a woman attacking another woman. He ran to the door. The clerk was already calling the police. He ran outside. It was Rose. She was struggling with another woman. He ran out through the door, almost knocking another customer down in the process. He rushed to the where Rose and the woman were fighting. The woman was snarling and trying to bite Rose. Some people gathered around them to gawk. He pulled the woman off of her. He was
trying to hold her still. He kept his arms around her arms, forcing them to her side. The zombie woman still faced Rose. She was growling and biting. Rose yelled, “ Hold her!” She took out her phone and took some video. Keith yelled, “Rose! This is not the time to take videos!” Just then, a police car rolled up. It came to an abrupt stop. An officer jumped out of the vehicle and ran to the scene. He pulled out a taser. He looked at the crazy woman, in disbelief. He yelled, “What happened to her? Let her go!” Rose yelled frantically to the officer, “ It is her! Not him!” There was another man there. He also yelled, “No. That lady attacked her! He pulled her away!” He was pointing at Rose. Rose said, “ She attacked me! He stopped her and is trying to hold her for you! Don't let her bite anyone! She's infected!” The policeman looked at each one of them. He didn't know who to believe. Now, the officer shouted an order at Keith, “ Let her go!” Keith did as he was told. He jumped back as fast as he could. Rose yelled, “ Don't let her bite anyone!” The woman was snarling. She was reaching for Rose. She lunged towards her. Her face was contorted. Her hair was ratted. Like it had not been brushed for days. She had gray skin. The officer blurted out, “What the hell? Ma'am, get back!” He was clearly shocked. The zombie woman lunged at Rose. She tried to grab her, and bite her. Rose jumped to the side, and pushed the woman. The officer put his taser gun away, and pulled out his firearm. Now, the zombie woman turned her attention on the officer. She staggered towards him. She growled, and hissed. She showed no fear at the sight of the officer holding his gun. He raised it and took aim. He yelled, “ Stop, now! Stop.... or I will shoot!” The zombie woman kept her contorted, gaze on the officer. She staggered towards him. She moved like an uncoordinated drug addict. Her limbs moved, as though made of plastic. The officer stood frozen, and stared at her in shock. She came closer. She started to lunge at him. He shot her once in the shoulder, expecting her to go down. Someone yelled, “He's shooting! Run!” The zombie woman stumbled backwards. Her creepy gaze, never leaving the policeman. Then, she started to limp towards the policeman, again. Someone yelled, “Get out of the way!” Onlookers ran to hide behind their cars. He fired, again. Hitting her in the leg. She stopped. Then, started to limp towards him, again. He shot her a few more times. Now some people had come outside to see what was happening. They were covering their mouths with their hands. The officer in shock, just stared at the zombie woman as She lunged at him,biting him on the shoulder. He yelled. “ Ah! Ah...Get off of me!” He shoved her down onto the ground. Rose yelled, “Everyone... Get back!” Keith yelled, “ Everyone! You should get inside and call the ambulance. He is going to need help, now.” Rose yelled, “ You have to shoot her in the head!” The officer shot the woman between the eyes. She fell dead. Rose and Keith knew what the officers' fate would be. The officer pushed a button on the radio that was attached to his shoulder. He frantically, yelled, “ I need back up! And the Coroner. Suspect down. I've been bitten.” He sat down on the ground, looking at the corpse. Rose ran inside, and grabbed a roll of paper towels from the shelf. The Clerk yelled, “Hey! You have to pay for that!” She ran back out the door with the paper towels in her hand. She rushed to the officer. She bent down with a wad of paper towels in her hand, and tried to clean off his wound. She looked like she wanted to cry. She said, “ You saved my life. I am sorry.”


  He looked at her, and said, “ A lot of things have happened to me on this job. Never been bitten before. There is a first time for everything, though.” Just then, another police cruiser, followed by an ambulance pulled into the parking lot. Rose and Keith gave their statements to the other officer. While speaking to him, Rose said, “ I have to tell you something. This is some new epidemic. This won't stop. It is happening all over Chicago. Everywhere. Please, warn all of these people. And, people in your town, too.” The officer looked at her, like she she was crazy. He said, “Miss. Go on home, and get some rest. I know that seeing something like this is traumatic. It will be better, tomorrow.” He didn't believe her. As they were walking to their vehicle, a man and woman approached them. Keith felt a tap on the shoulder. He turned to see the couple standing behind him. He said, “ Yes. “ The man spoke. “ I am Marco Lopez. This is my wife, Bianca. We are going to my brothers place, not too far from here. We stopped off to eat and get gas. Thought this was only happening in the city. We heard what you two were saying to the policeman. We know that you are telling the truth. We have seen it, too.” Keith said, “ I am Keith, this is Rose.” The woman nodded, and then looked at Rose. She said, “We know who you are Ms. Fox. Something bad is happening. We watch your channel. Is there any more news? Anything we can do to stop this? Anywhere we can go?“ She looked around to try to see if anyone was listening to them. The woman looked terrified. Rose said, “ Outside the cities. High ground, fenced in places that they can't get into. I think that those are the safest places, right now. But, there are rumors that government is moving around, so be careful. I have not heard from any of my contacts today.” The man cut in, “ You be careful, too. Those things don't care who you are. They will go after anyone. We will be watching you online for as long as we can. We have to go. Trying to meet a deadline.” He and Keith shook hands. Each couple, went to their vehicles. They left as fast as they could. When they got back on the highway, Rose cried. The guilt overwhelmed her. She said,” He saved me. And now, he will die.” Keith said, “ Rose, it is not your fault. This is real. We have to warn people. From now on, we do everything together. It's safer that way. On Saturday, I have to go back up to pick up my Mother.” Rose said, “ I know. I already messaged my friend out in California. I am waiting to hear which will be the best way out of there.” Keith added, “ Rose, it will be worse by then. We have to stay together. I managed to get her flight changed to the Gary Airport. But, we still need to stay together.” Rose knew that Keith was right. They continued the rest of their drive in silence. It was past seven when they made it to Granny's place. He and Rose traveled to the Gary International Airport to meet his mother. They drove over abandoned roads, around three mobs of zombies, and finally, made it to find one entrance open. The parking lot was empty. They counted four vehicles on the parking areas. Keith said, “ I am parking in front of the entrance.” He parked in front of the front door. Normally, the lanes running in front of the Airport, were used for taxi cabs to drop off, and or, pick up passengers. They saw no taxi cabs in sight. They left the Suburban in the lane, closest to the doors. As they made it to the desk, they saw one person working that whole area. The woman, who looked exhausted, greeted them. She said, “ Hello. I am Maura. I have to inform everyone that, all flights have been canceled this weekend.” Keith and Rose exchanged a concerned glance. Keith said, “ I am not flying anywhere. We are wondering when flight 404 has landed, yet?” The lady said, “ Sir. All flights have been canceled. I am sorry.” Keith looked like he wanted to cry. “What do you mean? Flight 404, from L.A.? It was booked the other day.” The woman said, “ Sir. I am sorry. There is nothing that I can do. I can give you a number to call...” Keith cut her off, “ Are you freaking kidding me? I don't need a number! Why did they cancel it?”


  Rose said, “Miss. What about people who are supposed to be on those flights?” The lady responded, “I am sorry. This is all that I know. I am the only person who showed up in this department today. Please, call the number.” Rose looked at Keith, who was visibly upset. She said, “ Keith, we should go. Maybe, we can get her on another flight to another Airport. Okay?” Keith didn't know what to do. He said, “ Come on, Rose. I have to try to get a hold of my Mom.” Before turning around, he said to the woman,” should leave here and, get your self away from the city. Today. Don't wait.” He turned and left. Rose said, “ He is right. People are attacking other people out there. Don't wait. Go now.” She didn't wait for the woman to respond. She turned and followed Keith. He never heard from his mother, again. Soon after, they had received word about the city that his mother had lived in. It h
ad been destroyed by military, in an attempt to stop a wave of the dead from escaping into outlying areas. In the coming weeks, Rose and Keith scouted the nearby cities to collect supplies, fight zombies, and make videos to warn those left alive. Two weeks later........They were on their way to scout for supplies. Keith had been more withdrawn, since the news about his mother. Rose understood why and, she felt terrible for him. As he drove, she tried to get him to open up to her. “Keith. Please, talk to me.” He looked aggravated. “ There is noting to talk about, Rose. We need to figure out how to deal with what is happening. We either figure out out how to combat this, and survive, or we don't. We have to stay focused.” As they drove along the Interstate, they saw a horde ahead. Rose said, “ Keith, pull over. I want to get some video.” Keith pulled over on the shoulder. “ Rose. I don't think that you should get out.” She opened the door, “ I'll get right back , in a minute. They move slow.” She exited the vehicle. There were some abandoned vehicles fifty feet ahead of them. In fact, there were several empty cars and trucks left on the side of the roadway. Some, were pulled over to the shoulder. Some, were left parked in the middle the road. He yelled through the open window, “ Be careful. Don't get too close. When they get close to those cars up there... get back in here!” He pointed to the front of the line. Rose peeked in from outside of the suburban. She winked and said, “ Okay.” Then, she started to record. A man ran up from behind them, he started firing on the horde. He turned to Rose and Keith, “Hey!” He yelled. “What do you think this is, a video game? Those things will kill you both! Get out of here! ” He had a semi-automatic rifle, with an extended clip. They watched, as the man took aim and, shot as many as he could in the head. He yelled back to them, “ Do you have guns?” Still recording, Rose yelled, “ There are too many! You have to get out of there! I was just recording for a minute. You should save your bullets.” Now, Rose was worried for the man. He started moving closer to the herd. Even though there were hundreds of them. The herd had made it to the vehicles, now. She yelled, “Hey! Get out of there! “ He yelled to her, again. “ Are you armed?” She yelled, “ Yes!” He said, “ You have to shoot them in the head.! Hurry! Shoot, or run! I'm Rico... see ya around. And remember, aim for the head...” Then, a car sped up to where he was standing. The door swung open. Another person inside yelled, “Rico! Get in...Hurry! Lady! Get out of here, now!” Rico jumped into the car, closing the door. Before the car sped off, he yelled, “ Get going, Mama-cita!” The vehicle sped off with the tires making a loud squealing noise. She kept filming. She was mesmerized by the giant horde. They were coming closer. She could hear a sea of growls. Then, Rose heard Keith screaming for her. “ Rose! Get in here! Rose!” He jumped out of the vehicle. He ran to her, grabbing her by her arm. She yelled, “Wait! Just, another minute!” He yelled, “ No! They are getting too close. Come on!” He picked her up from around the waist, and carried her to the Suburban.